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PostPosted: Sun Apr 28, 2024 2:07 pm 

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Remus’ smile widened at that, far more charmed by Sirius’ nerve than offended by it.
“Yeah, it’s all because of you,” he agreed, buying into the joke. It was only half an exaggeration, though, feeling quite sure that even Mulligan knew just how much of a greater access Remus had to counselling and feedback than any other of his year.
Stepping closer, Remus leaned into Sirius’ space under the guise of bumping their shoulders together.
“I don’t know what I would have done without you.”

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PostPosted: Sun Apr 28, 2024 3:06 pm 

This body is a vessel for my mayhem and as long as I can perform bafoonery it doesn’t matter if this stomach is flat or not

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While Sirius had gotten used to desiring Remus, his sudden urge to reach out and kiss him still took him a little aback.
Seeing Remus finally get the recognition for how wonderful he was and, more importantly, seeing him accept that filled Sirius with such joy that he could barely contain it.
“You would have found a way,” he said, voice brimming with the giddy energy that seemed to radiate from Remus; wanting to always see him this happy and thrilled.
“You’re brilliant Remus,” he stated, his voice much lower but feeling certain that Remus would be able to hear him.

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PostPosted: Sun Apr 28, 2024 3:58 pm 

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It seemed that, with every praise Sirius added, the joke seemed to fall further and further out of his voice; by the end, Remus felt the thrill of a genuine compliment down his spine. He yet again did a double take, really seeming to weigh his options as he allowed Sirius’ praise to bloom and settle within him.
It wasn’t even that something snapped within him, Remus simply gave in to every fibre of his being screaming Sirius’ name.
Glancing up and down the hallway in order to get his bearings, Remus reached for Sirius, catching him with a hand above the elbow.
“Come on,” he muttered, his voice half a grin, as he dragged Sirius a few paces down the hallway, all but shoving him inside the supply closet; a small room lined with shelves of chalk and paper folders.
Remus had only just shut the doors behind them, dropping his satchel unceremoniously onto the floor, before reaching for Sirius’ face, both hands cradling his jaw to pull him into a starved kiss.

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PostPosted: Mon Apr 29, 2024 3:21 pm 

This body is a vessel for my mayhem and as long as I can perform bafoonery it doesn’t matter if this stomach is flat or not

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It took almost no prompting at all for Sirius to follow Remus, feeling tethered to him in a way that he would never be able to shake. Not even getting pushed into a supply cupboard lessened Remus’ pull on him, even if it made i’m feel a little dizzy.
When Remus grabbed and kissed him, Sirius dropped his satchel as well, hands desperately reaching for Remus’ waist to pull him closer. Kissing him back was essentially muscle memory to him, still surprised by how desperately he could keep wanting Remus.

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PostPosted: Tue Apr 30, 2024 10:53 am 

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At best it was indulgent, and at worst utterly reprehensible. Remus had before pushed their luck, but this had to be among the worst possible places to hide off, the room too public and too accessed. In the back of his mind he was aware of it, and he’d like to say he maintained a sense of trepidation but the more willingly Sirius responded, the harder it was to maintain.
Letting one hand slip from Sirius’ jaw to surround his neck, Remus clutched at the fabric covering the pane of Sirius’ shoulders, considering just how stupid he was prepared to be.

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PostPosted: Wed May 01, 2024 1:08 pm 

This body is a vessel for my mayhem and as long as I can perform bafoonery it doesn’t matter if this stomach is flat or not

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A part of Sirius kept being very aware of just how public their hiding place actually was, knowing just how many times he himself had been sent for extra chalk and the like in this specific closet.
However, when Remus showed so badly that he wanted him, it felt an absolutely ridiculous notion that he wouldn’t give in.
There was something so intoxicating about the way Remus seemed to absolutely cling to him, clearly wanting this as terribly as Sirius did.

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PostPosted: Wed May 01, 2024 2:58 pm 

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In the effort of pacing themselves at least enough to get on the same page, Remus let the kiss wander, placing lingering, indulgent kisses to the corner of Sirius’ mouth, his cheek, his jaw.
“It should be fine,” he muttered, the words half a question.
Really, though, the assessment wasn’t founded in much besides his own sense of hubris, fuelled only by the very recent praise he had received from a figure of authority, and he was somewhat aware of it. He drowned it with another kiss to Sirius’ jaw, but almost able to predict Sirius’ response, the kiss was more juvenile than advancing.

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PostPosted: Thu May 02, 2024 1:47 pm 

This body is a vessel for my mayhem and as long as I can perform bafoonery it doesn’t matter if this stomach is flat or not

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Sirius desperately wanted to believe Remus and to be able to just go with the flow, however he was becoming more and more aware of just how public they were, and he’d be lying if he said that it didn’t fill him with a certain sense of anxiety.
“We should head back to the dorm, love,” Sirius said, not keen to separate from Remus again, but he knew that it would be the better choice.
“Better,” he added, unsure whether he was trying to convince himself or Remus.

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PostPosted: Sat May 04, 2024 3:57 pm 

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Remus grinned against Sirius’ cheek, finding that better was a pretty subjective interpretation. Peppering increasingly silly kisses across Sirius’ jaw, Remus still felt the flutter of Sirius’ compliments somewhere at the base of his spine; frankly, he could eat Sirius up, if allowed to.
“So proper,” Remus exasperated, but there was no bite to his voice. As he straightened his posture, easing out of the closeness of the embrace, there was a grin to his lips. “I’m sure we could’ve locked the door.”

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PostPosted: Mon May 20, 2024 1:37 pm 

This body is a vessel for my mayhem and as long as I can perform bafoonery it doesn’t matter if this stomach is flat or not

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The deep hunger that Sirius was always feeling for Remus was roaring when he leaned away, but Sirius couldn’t quite shake the anxiety about being found out. It helped knowing that they were going to go back to their shared dorm together, having the certainty that he would get a chance to be close to Remus again very soon.
“Let me celebrate you properly,” was all he could say, completely taken aback by how eager Remus seemed to be to be close to him. It wasn’t exactly a new development in their relationship, but it always took Sirius by surprise, somehow unable to believe that the feelings he had for Remus could be reciprocated.

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PostPosted: Mon May 20, 2024 2:41 pm 

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Remus’ smile wavered at that, but by no means due to disinterest. Gaze heavy on Sirius as he skimmed over his features, Remus seemed to momentarily want to push Sirius to reconsider, if he really meant that.
When the smile reappeared, it was a dazed little laugh, his mind clearly occupied.
Almost blindly, Remus reached around Sirius for an inattentive grab at whatever supplies were lining the shelves behind him, more an excuse than anything. Coming back with a few blank folders, Remus finally stepped all the way out of Sirius’ space.
“Well, come on, then,” he grinned, ducking down to pluck both of their discarded bags off of the floor.

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PostPosted: Mon May 20, 2024 4:34 pm 

This body is a vessel for my mayhem and as long as I can perform bafoonery it doesn’t matter if this stomach is flat or not

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Going to Arlo’s for Sunday roast had become so routine for Sirius that he barely gave it a second thought anymore. However, this Sunday was so very different and it was difficult for Sirius not to think about it.
He had been dealing with Remus’ nerves for a good part of the day, knowing that it really wasn’t a big deal, but it definitely felt like a big deal to the both of them. Sirius knew that Arlo and his wife were going to be as lovely as they usually were, but it made sense that Remus would be nervous.
“So, are you almost ready to leave?” He asked, a soft smile on his lips, trying to keep Remus calm.

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PostPosted: Tue May 21, 2024 3:26 pm 

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The nerves Remus felt about returning to his professor’s for dinner struck him unexpectedly and with full force some time earlier today, and he hadn’t been able to shake it. He had spent the better part of today studying, trying to work through the edits Mulligan had given on thesis, just in case it came up in conversation; some time after lunch Sirius had managed to convince him that it was an impossible feat to do all that within a few days.
While it had been a relief to take a break from his studies, it had done little to quell the restlessness he still felt.
“Yeah,” he said from his seat on the bed, having just finished lacing his shoes. “I suppose so, yeah. What’s his wife’s name again?”

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PostPosted: Wed May 22, 2024 2:10 pm 

This body is a vessel for my mayhem and as long as I can perform bafoonery it doesn’t matter if this stomach is flat or not

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“Irene and she is an absolute joy,” Sirius stated, leaning against their front door and observing Remus as he was getting himself ready to leave. A warm feeling of domesticity washed over Sirius at that and while he tried not to make too big of a deal of it, he couldn’t help but smile.
“There really is no need to worry, if Arlo starts talking too much shop, Irene will shut him down immediately,” he reassured, knowing that Remus had been worried about not having had the time to apply all of Arlo’s feedback to his studies yet.

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PostPosted: Wed May 22, 2024 2:38 pm 

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Remus mulled over the two names - Irene and Arlo, Arlo and Irene - but the names made them feel even more like strangers, while also making it far too intimate. He stretched his legs, scuffing his shoes slightly against the parquet, mindlessly testing the tightness of his lacing.
“I don’t think I can call them that,” he eventually admitted as he looked up at Sirius, and though he was smiling as if it was a joke, it carried too much truth to properly be perceived as one.
“Professor and Mrs. Mulligan,” he added, his smile growing lopsided.

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PostPosted: Wed May 22, 2024 3:15 pm 

This body is a vessel for my mayhem and as long as I can perform bafoonery it doesn’t matter if this stomach is flat or not

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There was something so breathlessly endearing about Remus’ nerves.
Sirius had been coming in the Mulligan home for so long now that he could barely remember how he felt the first time around, but he imagined that it was something akin to how Remus was feeling right in that moment.
“Don’t worry too much about it, love,” he stated with a soft smile, was taking to do anything that he could to calm Remus’ nerves.
“Let’s get going though, they are not as scary as they seem, I promise.”

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PostPosted: Thu May 23, 2024 4:18 pm 

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Remus made a face at that, unconvinced. He’d met the couple once before, and though it had been a lovely evening, other things considered, conversation hadn’t exactly been free flowing and casual; Remus had to hope that this time would be different with none of the other students there.
Pushing himself to a stance, Remus cast an instinctive look around the room, as if searching for a reply. “Yeah, let’s.”
Plucking his coat off the hanger as he passed it, Remus stopped a step ahead of Sirius, a smile pulling at his lips as he put on his coat.
“And you?” Remus asked. “You don’t feel like I’m intruding on your evenings with them?”

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PostPosted: Sat May 25, 2024 2:33 am 

This body is a vessel for my mayhem and as long as I can perform bafoonery it doesn’t matter if this stomach is flat or not

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Sirius shook his head as he pulled on his jacket, amused by the idea that Remus could ever be intruding on anything.
“You could never be intruding,” he simply stated, taking a step closer to Remus, as always completely and utterly caught up in his orbit. If anything, Sirius was excited to get to spend even more time together with Remus, especially in this new setting.
“I think you’ll have a blast,” he added, placing a hand on Remus’ hip, needing to allow some release for the affection that he felt flowing through his body.

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PostPosted: Sun May 26, 2024 10:43 am 

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The way Sirius stepped closer made Remus' smile widen, instinctively. His hands remained at the nape of his own neck, fingers adjusting his shirtcollar underneath the collar of his coat as he looked down at Sirius, suddenly so close.
"Yeah, I'm sure," he eventually forfeited, knowing he was, at least in part, exhagerating the nerves he was feeling. Or at least, it felt less pressing with Sirius' hands on him.
Reoeatibg the gesture, Remus' hands moved from his own collar to Sirius', adjusting his collar, too. "I'm in good company."

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PostPosted: Wed May 29, 2024 12:23 pm 

This body is a vessel for my mayhem and as long as I can perform bafoonery it doesn’t matter if this stomach is flat or not

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Sirius couldn’t help but grin at the comment, knowing that it really was a nothing type of comment, but things like that was always going to feel special when they came from Remus.
With Remus’ hands on him, Sirius couldn’t help but step a little closer, always caught up in Remus’ orbit and wanting to be as close to him as he could.
“Flirt,” he said with a boyish grin, feeling slightly flustered by the attention.

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