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PostPosted: Sun Dec 08, 2024 2:49 pm 

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How easily Sirius abandoned his work brought a twitch to the corner of Remus’ mouth, so smitten by Sirius’ attention whenever he received it so willingly. It still made him a little shy, so tempted to glance away, feeling so transparent whenever he looked at Sirius.
He nodded through the exhale, turning slightly to direct the smoke outwards.
“Yeah,” he added, redundantly, as he looked down to the ashtray between his knees, tapping off some of the excess ash. He hadn’t been back since last summer, before starting uni. “Ma’s been begging me to.”

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PostPosted: Sun Dec 08, 2024 4:07 pm 

This body is a vessel for my mayhem and as long as I can perform bafoonery it doesn’t matter if this stomach is flat or not

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It wasn’t the first time they had discussed their summer plans, mostly loosely and without anything concrete, but Sirius had known that Remus was going to return to Wales for at least some of the summer. It was, of course, understandable that Remus would have to return to the place that he knew as home, but Sirius couldn’t deny the stab he felt in his chest at the thought of being separated from Remus for so long.
“I’m gonna miss you,” he said, feeling such a relief in getting to just say things like that out loud now. His admission of love for Remus had been so freeing for Sirius, finding that he had so much love for his flatmate that had been desperate to be let out.

it’s quick, it’s easy and it’s free: pouring river water in your socks

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PostPosted: Sun Dec 08, 2024 4:24 pm 

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Sirius’ words felt like they struck something between Remus’ ribs, something bittersweet about it. It brought a little smile to Remus’ lips, glancing up at Sirius to acknowledge it, despite being utterly unable to say it back.
“I was thinking,” he started, looking down as he put out the butt of his cigarette.
Remus was dragging his words not out of reluctance but out of sheer intimidation, so unsure if this was the right thing to do. There was, however, no denying that having to be apart from Sirius for a month, now of all times, felt incredibly difficult. “If you don’t have any plans, you might want to come with me?”

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PostPosted: Sun Dec 08, 2024 4:39 pm 

This body is a vessel for my mayhem and as long as I can perform bafoonery it doesn’t matter if this stomach is flat or not

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The offer sent a thrill down Sirius’ spine, looking up at Remus with such intense interest, wanting to be absolutely sure that he actually wanted Sirius to come along with him.
He put his cup back on the table, leaning forward and grinning from ear to ear, thrilled at the prospect of not having to be separated from Remus for the entire summer.
“Yeah?” He asked, feeling such a rush of adrenaline ram through him that he could barely sit still, so desperately wanting an outlet for the energy, but he wanted to make absolutely sure that this was a real offer. “I would love to, but only if you are absolutely sure.”

it’s quick, it’s easy and it’s free: pouring river water in your socks

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PostPosted: Mon Dec 09, 2024 6:38 am 

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Glancing up at Sirius, Sirius' question made a reluctant smile pull at Remus' lips, so trying to swallow it down before it gained foothold on his features.
"Yeah," he reassured, his poor attempt at keeping a straight face making him sound a little coy. "I think it could be nice."
Ever since starting university years ago, Remus had felt further and further away from Wales, to the point where comitting to spending a month there alone felt suffocating. Adding to it Sirius' absence only made it worse, and that promise of something nice was entirely connected to Sirius being there, too.
"It's not -" Remus started again, but for how much time he had spent fiddling with this thought over the past few days, he had yet to find a graceful way to put it into words. He glanced down again, picking at the cigarette butt. "Obviously I can't introduce you as my boyfriend, but yeah. It would be nice if you wanted to come, regardless."

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PostPosted: Mon Dec 09, 2024 3:48 pm 

This body is a vessel for my mayhem and as long as I can perform bafoonery it doesn’t matter if this stomach is flat or not

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The mention of the word boyfriend sent a thrill down Sirius’ spine, making the grin on his face even wider still, though he barely thought it would be possible. Obviously, Sirius regularly told Remus that he loved him and despite the fact that Remus hadn’t actually said it back yet, Sirius knew that the feeling was mutual, but boyfriend was new and Sirius honestly couldn’t think of any word sweeter coming from Remus’ lips.
“Am I your boyfriend?” He asked with a crooked grin, barely noticing himself standing up and approaching Remus. Ever since they had first kiss, and honestly probably even before that as well, Sirius had felt this magnetic attraction towards Remus and getting to be open with his feelings had only made it more so.

it’s quick, it’s easy and it’s free: pouring river water in your socks

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PostPosted: Mon Dec 09, 2024 4:37 pm 

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Remus’ looked up at Sirius, a beat where he was trying to take in Sirius’ tone and mood. Mercifully, it was immediately visible that the question hadn’t come out of hesitation, Sirius looking like he was about to burst. Remus couldn’t help but smile himself, either, a sheepish grin finally dawning on his face.
“Are you not?” he said, aiming for easy-going. There was, however, an unmistakable tremble to his voice, terribly intimidated by what it actually meant thinking of Sirius like that.
Remus knew he would never gain enough courage to introduce Sirius to people as his boyfriend, but in their shared dorm, it felt like Sirius couldn’t be referred to as anything else.

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PostPosted: Tue Dec 10, 2024 4:14 pm 

This body is a vessel for my mayhem and as long as I can perform bafoonery it doesn’t matter if this stomach is flat or not

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Once Sirius reached Remus he couldn’t help but reach out for him, putting a hand on his thigh, just wanting to be close to him right in that moment. He was so filled with love for Remus that he could absolutely burst, so happy that they had managed to make it work between them, and he just wanted everything they could have.
“I’d like to think so,” he said with a warm smile, wanting to soak up every single affection that Remus was offering him.
“You’ve never asked me though,” he couldn’t help but tease, knowing that they could never really be officially out as boyfriends, but he still thought it would be nice if they actually had the conversation.

it’s quick, it’s easy and it’s free: pouring river water in your socks

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PostPosted: Wed Dec 11, 2024 5:10 am 

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Though asking Sirius that rationally felt a little silly, Remus still felt something softer bloom in his chest. It seemed to tip over from silly to indulgent, from redundant to proper, and it brought a giddy smile to Remus’ lips, willing to do anything Sirius asked of him; even this.
Pushing the ashtray aside, Remus shifted to turn towards Sirius, bringing both legs inside. Acutely aware of the still-open window on this first real summer day, Remus’ hands found Sirius’ jaw, pushing the hair out of his face as he invited him closer.
“Sirius, would you please be my boyfriend?” he all but whispered into the narrow space between them, caught between the worry of being overheard by a neighbouring dorm, and the desperate need to say it.

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PostPosted: Wed Dec 11, 2024 3:16 pm 

This body is a vessel for my mayhem and as long as I can perform bafoonery it doesn’t matter if this stomach is flat or not

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Sirius had never felt a thrill quite like hearing that question from Remus, knowing that it was just something that they could share together, but it still felt like what they had was so much more real from it.
He placed both hands on Remus’ hips, feeling so genuinely happy that he felt like he was about to burst, Sirius just wanted to soak it all in; wanting to stay in this moment forever.
“Yes,” he said with a warm smile, leaning closer to Remus as if he absolutely had to.
“I love you so much, of course I’ll be your boyfriend,” he said with a warm smile, also keeping his voice down, even if it was difficult to him; wanting to scream it from the top of his lungs.

it’s quick, it’s easy and it’s free: pouring river water in your socks

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PostPosted: Wed Dec 11, 2024 4:12 pm 

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Sirius smiling at him was a sight to behold, certain he had never seen or felt anything that even came close to comparing. It felt so unlikely that this was for Remus, like this was beyond undeserving. A delirious smile tugged at Remus’ lips, overwhelmed.
“Will you come home with me for the summer, too?” Remus repeated, knowing Sirius had already given half an answer, but it had been tied up in reservations Remus hadn’t felt himself.
The question was a placeholder for a reply Remus couldn’t yet say out loud, but in that moment, they were one and the same, anyway, the most intimate thing Remus could think of.
Once again smoothing over Sirius’ temples, Remus’ hands slipped to the back of his neck, thumbs at the soft hinge of his jaw. “Please.”

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PostPosted: Sun Dec 15, 2024 8:46 am 

This body is a vessel for my mayhem and as long as I can perform bafoonery it doesn’t matter if this stomach is flat or not

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Sirius would have walked to bloody Wales if Remus had asked that of him, feeling ecstatic at the thought of not having to be separated from his boyfriend for the entire summer anyway.
“Yes,” he said with a bright smile, utterly unable to think of anything at all he wouldn’t give to Remus right in that moment.
“I’d love to.”

it’s quick, it’s easy and it’s free: pouring river water in your socks

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PostPosted: Sun Dec 15, 2024 3:49 pm 

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Before bringing up the possibility of spending the summer together, Remus had been so unsure whether it was the right thing to do, feeling so out of his depth. It felt daunting and vulnerable, and though he felt pretty sure nobody had yet to notice their closeness, Remus wasn’t sure if his own parents would be more perceptive. It all washed away the moment Sirius smiled at him, every worry pushed aside for now, so sure it was worth the risk.
Letting himself slip off the sill, Remus pushed Sirius further into the room and out of direct line of sight from the window, before he finally kissed him.

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PostPosted: Tue Dec 17, 2024 3:26 pm 

This body is a vessel for my mayhem and as long as I can perform bafoonery it doesn’t matter if this stomach is flat or not

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Right in that moment, Sirius couldn’t imagine that he could have ever doubted his feelings for Remus nor whether or not they were returned.
Following Remus into their room with ease, Sirius’ hands found Remus’ waist, overwhelmed with just how much he was allowed to show and how much he received in return.
Being kissed by Remus right after the conversation they had just had was everything that Sirius could have ever dreamt of, his heart so full by how they kept pushing for how much they would be able to get.

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PostPosted: Thu Dec 19, 2024 2:47 pm 

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A few days after arriving at Wales, Remus had already slipped off for a walk and a smoke after dinner. Even though his father smoked in the house, Remus needed the excuse to be out of sight of his parents, just for a little while.
It was the most natural thing for Sirius to come with him.
For how restrictive his parents’ attentive eyes felt, Sirius’ presence still felt easy, homely. Being in their dorm, alone or together, was tenfold more comfortable than being back home. Nobody had been anything but lovely, his parents having welcomed Sirius as best as they knew, but still Remus had yet to settle in it all, always a little on edge.
Sitting on an old dry stone wall between an overgrown field and a small path, they were having a very well needed smoke.

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PostPosted: Fri Dec 20, 2024 1:42 am 

This body is a vessel for my mayhem and as long as I can perform bafoonery it doesn’t matter if this stomach is flat or not

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Sirius hadn’t realised what he said yes to when he told Remus that he would go to Wales with him for the summer, having been too caught up in the ecstasy of being his boyfriend that he figured that any amount of time spent with Remus would be good. It wasn’t entirely wrong, Sirius finding Hope and Lyall Lupin to be lovely people, though a lot different from the outward openness and warmth he had come to expect from the Mulligans and the Potters.
As they sat on a stone wall post dinner, thighs glued together and having a smoke, Sirius found himself almost blissful, not minding the little song and dance they had to do for Remus’ parents as long as they got to have moments like this too.
“Your dad said he’ll show me his project car tomorrow,” he offered up as his free hand found Remus’ thigh, so craving the physical closeness they usually got to share in the privacy of their dorm, which has naturally lessened while they were here.

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PostPosted: Mon Dec 23, 2024 3:37 pm 

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Sirius’ offhanded little comment made a reluctant little smile pull at the corner of Remus’ mouth. He had been in the kitchen when his father had asked Sirius that, their conversation perfectly audible through the open doors of the little house. It had been nuts to hear.
Remus drowned the smile best he could with another drag of the cigarette, though it continued to crinkle at his eyes.
“I heard that, yeah,” he agreed after exhaling, turning to look at Sirius.
Remus’ eyes roamed Sirius’ features indulgently, having grown weary of even looking at him for too long in the house, afraid of what showed on his expression. “Is he putting you to work?”

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PostPosted: Mon Dec 23, 2024 6:05 pm 

This body is a vessel for my mayhem and as long as I can perform bafoonery it doesn’t matter if this stomach is flat or not

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Sirius grinned at that, looking over at Remus’ face as well, wanting to drink it in now that no one was able to see them. It was difficult to put their affections so much under wraps when the relationship was still this new, but Sirius knew that it was owing to be worth it.
“I don’t mind,” he said, his index finger making soft circles on Remus’ thigh as he spoke, missing their casual physical touch so much he almost felt like he could explode.
“You know, I fixed up my bike myself,” he added, knowing that he was just talking to talk right now, but somehow he found that Remus just brought that out of him. “I like doing some manual work sometimes.”

it’s quick, it’s easy and it’s free: pouring river water in your socks

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PostPosted: Fri Dec 27, 2024 10:48 am 

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Remus’ eyes dipped to Sirius’ hand on his thigh, the seemingly mindless caress making his smile widen; he wasn’t actually sure Sirius realised he had reached out for him.
Shifting the cigarette to the other hand, Remus wrapped his free arm around Sirius’ neck. Tugging him closer, Remus pressed a kiss to Sirius’ hair, struggling to articulate his appreciation for him.
“I know,” he encouraged with a grin. “I don’t think I’ve ever been allowed to touch it myself.”

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PostPosted: Sat Dec 28, 2024 5:07 pm 

This body is a vessel for my mayhem and as long as I can perform bafoonery it doesn’t matter if this stomach is flat or not

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It was so easy to give into Remus’ touches, Sirius always finding that he wanted to be even closer to Remus and if Remus wanted to wrap an arm around him, Sirius was giving no hesitation in leaning in closer to him.
He grinned at Remus’ comment, hearing the fondness in his boyfriend’s tone and wanting to soak in it; knowing that he would never grow tired of hearing him talk like that.
“Parents love me,” he stated with a warm grin, twisting his head slightly to be able to look at Remus, wanting to be able to properly see the grin he could so clearly hear in his voice.

it’s quick, it’s easy and it’s free: pouring river water in your socks

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