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PostPosted: Fri Nov 12, 2021 1:16 pm 

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It was well past midnight when there was a knock at Remus’ door. Having only just settled for work, the spring days growing longer and the nights brighter, it took him a few moments to accept the interruption. With practiced ease, he climbed down from his workspace, a wooden platform suspended across the rafters of his living room, awkward windows and hutches installed in the ceiling above him.
Already prone to hesitation when attending to visitors, especially at odd hours, Remus opened the front door tentatively. He all but slammed it shut again. Whatever immediate sense of ease he felt upon seeing James at his doorstep vanished as his field of vision increased, revealing another person beside him. Remus hand jerked, pulling the door shut again, quick to obscure the view of his home.
In the darkness, the man beside James played a trick on the eye, so fair he appeared lucid. Both his hair and skin was silver against the brown cloak draped across him. It was James’, Remus recognized, both by seeing James only in his shirt, and by the way it was several inches short on the man wearing it, exposing bare legs.
The implications left Remus’ throat in knots.
“James,” he choked, at a complete loss.

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PostPosted: Fri Nov 12, 2021 3:54 pm 

This body is a vessel for my mayhem and as long as I can perform bafoonery it doesn’t matter if this stomach is flat or not

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It wasn’t that James didn’t know that it was an unusual situation that he was finding himself in, and it was made no less strange by finding the need to involve Remus in the ordeal. However, he really couldn’t see who else would be able to help him with this guy that he had found, as he couldn’t very well bring him back home, but also knew better than to leave the poor man all alone.
“Please Remus, it’s important,” he stated, unsure how exactly to explain the situation and the man, who was so light that he almost glowed in the dark, standing next to him.
“Please let us in, I will explain,” James said, already knowing that he had promised too much.

Everything was exciting and new to Sirius.
The feeling of the soft gross underneath his feet. The roughness of the cloak against his soft skin.
The world was beautiful and Sirius was trying to take as much as in as he could, constantly looking around and taking in new things. He had quickly managed to find a human, glad to have been bestowed kindness so easily, having found the man, James, to be nice and agreeable.
Now, they were waiting in front of a small house, Sirius’ eyes darting over every single detail there was to take in. He was so taken by the house that he barely saw the door to the house open and could only just see the other man standing inside.

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PostPosted: Fri Nov 12, 2021 6:59 pm 

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Not once in their years-long friendship had Remus turned James away, and yet he was struck with the urge to do just that. There was such an uncomfortable vulnerability by having a stranger brought to his door that Remus could barely stand to look at the other man, only daring to do so in uneasy glances. When he did, it didn’t even seem to matter; the blond seemed absorbed by anything but Remus, anyway, though that hardly felt reassuring.
It was a small town, and Remus knew for a fact that he had never seen the man James had dragged along. He felt tempted to excuse James’ urgency and both of their states of undress to the strange man being inebriated, but his eyes were just as attentive and bright as the rest of him.
Eventually Remus forfeited, too indebted to James and his family to do anything else. He stepped back to open the door wider, before venturing further inside himself. Besides for a light burning in the tucked away kitchen, both Remus’ living room and workspace were cast in deep shadows to increase his visibility when looking up at the night sky, moonlight washing through the open sky light.
“Go ahead,” Remus finally said, and though his words were curt his voice wasn’t; feeling out of his element, he didn’t know how else to express to James that he was willing to hear him out.
He turned on the solitary oil lamp on his table, finally shedding light over the cluttered space.

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PostPosted: Sat Nov 13, 2021 2:57 pm 

This body is a vessel for my mayhem and as long as I can perform bafoonery it doesn’t matter if this stomach is flat or not

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It was a relief to James when Remus finally relented and let he and the stranger into his cottage. He really wanted to be able to help the stranger that he had found in the field, and he just knew that leaching him with Remus for a bit was his best bet.
“Thanks mate,” James said with a warm smile, as he went to enter the cottage.
He turned around to look after the other man, Sirius had he said that his name was, and nodded for him to tag along. He was glad that it was still dark out, feeling unsure what people in the village would do with the glowing stranger if they were to found him. That was something that James knew Remus could also relate to, so it just made sense to him.
“Come on, Sirius, this is the friend I told you about,” he stated, wanting to drag the man out of the line of thought that he was clearly very caught up in.

Sirius was pulled back to the world around him, when James suddenly spoke to him.
Unsure if he felt done taking in the house they were standing in front of, Sirius reluctantly followed James inside, only to find that there were even more things that were interesting to look at inside. He felt constantly taken by the world he had ended in, feeling good about his decision so far, even if he barely had had the time to see anything yet.
He stayed quiet though, having promised James to do so as he sorted things out with his friend, and instead Sirius focused all of his energy on just taking it all in.

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PostPosted: Sat Nov 13, 2021 3:53 pm 

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James had yet to offer any context but the fragmented pieces Remus himself was able to make out - the name Sirius, the fact that James had told him about Remus already - all added to a growing sense of unease. He felt like he ought to invite the two men to take a seat, but he would rather not prolong their stay.
Finally allowing himself to look at the stranger, Remus found to be even more uncanny standing in the middle of his living room, than he did on his threshold. His complexion completely devoid of even a flush of colour, it made Remus’ stomach turn with a primordial sense of dread, certain he wouldn’t have maintained his composure had James not been here, who in turn seemed rather unaffected by the oddity of their situation.
Remus awkwardly stalled by the table, uncertain how to proceed.

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PostPosted: Sun Nov 14, 2021 5:36 am 

This body is a vessel for my mayhem and as long as I can perform bafoonery it doesn’t matter if this stomach is flat or not

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Even though James knew that he had promised to explain what was going on, but he felt uncertain if he was capable of doing so. It seemed better to just get the practical things out of the way first, leaving James some time to think of how exactly to phrase his request.
“Well, first things first,” James started, glancing over at Sirius and feeling at ease upon seeing that he was just standing around and taking it all in.
“Do you have some clothes we can put on the poor chap? I would lend him some of mine but,” James indicated between himself and Sirius, making it painfully obvious that Sirius was vastly taller and slimmer than James himself, instead being closer to Remus’ build.

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PostPosted: Sun Nov 14, 2021 7:48 am 

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The immediate prospect of something concrete to do pulled Remus out of his reverie, eyes flickering between James and the man, who was still uncomfortably difficult to look at.
“Of course,” he blurted, realizing it had probably been terribly rude not to offer it himself. It had, however, felt immensely bold to address the man’s state of undress, having been afraid to misinterpret the choice glimpses of skin.
Though not thrilled by having to share his wardrobe, certain it was considerably more modest than the clothes James could offer, Remus moved towards his bedroom. After all, there was no real alternative.
“You can take a seat,” he eventually invited, accepting the turn his evening had taken. With that, he disappeared into the dark bedroom.

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PostPosted: Sun Nov 14, 2021 10:13 am 

This body is a vessel for my mayhem and as long as I can perform bafoonery it doesn’t matter if this stomach is flat or not

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James knew that it was a highly unusual situation, but once Sirius had gotten some clothes, he would feel immensely better and more at ease.
With a practiced ease, having visited Remus several times in his cottage in the past, James took a seat at the table and looked at the pale man. He really was unusual looking, James having feared that he was very ill when he had first found him, but it was clear that Sirius was fit as a fiddle.
“Sit down, Sirius,” James stated, having found that Sirius generally needed prompting to know how to act. This, however, made sense with what Sirius had told him.

There had been so many things to look at in the small house that Sirius all but jumped when James spoke to him again. A sweet, genuine smile seemed to be permanently etched onto his features, finding that everything was exciting and new, so it was difficult not to smile.
“Alright,” he stated, voice soft and melodic as if he was actually singing. He sat down on a chair next to James, the movements clumsy which proved a stark contrast to the light airiness of his voice.

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PostPosted: Sun Nov 14, 2021 3:52 pm 

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When Remus reemerged, he brought with him a humble change of clothes, forcing himself to keep moving to prevent himself from giving it all a second thought.
“Here,” he offered, placing the set on the table, pushing it the last few inches towards the stranger. It was the first time he had spoken directly to the other man - had James called him Sirius? Was that his name? - and Remus only felt moderately awkward by the fact that it had taken him as long as it had to do so.
Having gotten the chance to quickly clear out the worst clutter, Remus felt alright in extending an offer that would hopefully make him more comfortable being undressed in what, to him, was also a stranger's home. “You can change in the bedroom.”

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PostPosted: Mon Nov 15, 2021 4:27 pm 

This body is a vessel for my mayhem and as long as I can perform bafoonery it doesn’t matter if this stomach is flat or not

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It didn’t take much prompting from James for Sirius to grab the clothes that had been laid out to him and get up from the chair again. A happy smile was on his face as he did so, happy with the kindness that James’ friend was doing to him.
“Thank you,” he said as he went to the bedroom to change.

James knew that he had a lot of explaining to do, but honestly it was difficult to know where he should even start. He doubted that Remus would even believe him if he tried to, but he also knew that he had to explain something to him.
“You won’t believe me,” he started out, feeling the need to warn Remus about what was to come. He knew that it was going to take some trust to convince Remus to take Sirius in, at least until they figured out something more permanent.
“But this guy literally fell from the sky,” he blurted, knowing that he wouldn’t have believed it either, if he hadn’t seen it with his own two eyes.

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PostPosted: Wed Nov 17, 2021 3:56 am 

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Remus found it easier to look at the back of the man’s head, eyes lingering at the doorway through which he had disappeared. In comparison to most homes in the area, Remus’ was particularly humble, and he was aware of the fact that he didn’t exactly keep it neat. He had to force his attention back onto James to prevent his thoughts from spiralling, having to trust that the stranger wouldn’t think his house to be too horrendously unkept.
The pensive kind of worry painted across his features was however quickly replaced, James’ words taking Remus completely aback, dumbfounded.
“No, I absolutely don’t believe that,” he agreed incredulously. “From what in the sky?”

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PostPosted: Wed Nov 17, 2021 4:36 pm 

This body is a vessel for my mayhem and as long as I can perform bafoonery it doesn’t matter if this stomach is flat or not

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It was almost impossible to convince someone of something that you hardly even believed yourself, but James knew that he was going to have to try. Maybe it would start making sense to him as he explained as well, even if that sounded highly unlikely.
“From the sky,” James repeated, trying to wrap his head around it himself, but even though he had seen it, spoken with Sirius about it, and knew it absolutely to be true, he still didn’t believe it either.
“I saw it myself, and hell I barely believe it,” James stated, shaking his head softly.
“He says that he is a start and that he decided to fall from the sky.”

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PostPosted: Wed Nov 17, 2021 5:52 pm 

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Remus simply gawked at James, trying to process everything.
“That can’t be,” he fumbled out, unable to fully put into words how far fetched James’ explanation was.
“He’s -” Remus started, but the words got caught in his throat, struck by the violent fact that it might be untrue. What had begun as a confidence dismissal suddenly deflated into what was barely a question, his expression faltering with uncertainty. “- human.”

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PostPosted: Thu Nov 18, 2021 4:02 pm 

This body is a vessel for my mayhem and as long as I can perform bafoonery it doesn’t matter if this stomach is flat or not

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“Is he though?” James all but blurted, only really believing that Sirius was a star fallen from the sky because of the way that he looked. James had never seeing anyone quite as fair as Sirius, finding it slightly off putting and a little scary. Remus had to be able to see it as well, had to be able to see that there was no way on earth that Sirius could be like the two of them.
“I mean, look at him,” James stated, unsure how else to really explain to Remus what it was that he meant.

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PostPosted: Fri Nov 19, 2021 4:56 pm 

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At the prompt, Remus’ eyes darted off towards his bedroom, wishing he could look at the stranger. Out of sight, Remus could almost convince himself that the man was just oddly fair, something which Remus could explain as an oddity of the human genome.
He, however, remained deadly silent, taking note of how the light seeping through the doorway seemed more blue than what his yellowed oil flame could ever produce. It made it hard to swallow, the dread feeling entirely irrational.
“He has to be,” Remus insisted as his eyes returned to James, though his argument sounded considerably more meeker this time around. “He can’t be a star.”

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PostPosted: Sat Nov 20, 2021 4:45 pm 

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It wasn’t really surprising to James that Remus would fight him on this, he had only really accepted it when he realised just how unreal Sirius looked. He had seen blonde people in the past, even if they were quite rare in the village, and he knew that they looked nothing like Sirius.
“Well, he isn’t human either,” James stated, feel exasperated, but knowing that he likely would have been in just as deep denial as Remus, if the shoe had been on the other foot.

“I’m a star, I told you,” Sirius stated, having just finished dressing and had went to rejoin the two men in the other room. He had been able to hear them talking as he got dressed and while he hadn’t listened to the exactly words, it had been clear that it had been about him.

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PostPosted: Sun Nov 21, 2021 6:25 am 

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At the sudden interjection, Remus startled, momentarily overcome with the embarrassment of being caught talking behind someone’s back. It flashed across his expression as he turned to the stranger, a mortification rooted in social norms and politeness, before it dissipated, feeling it was perfectly reasonable for him to question such a claim.
“You’ll have to excuse me,” Remus tried, still caught in the expected politeness of having guests in his house.
James was right, though. While the stranger appeared human, there was still something distinctly odd about him - something that was apparently amplified now that he had dressed in Remus’ too-human clothes. Remus, however, knew there were plenty of non-human beings around these woods. And still, a star felt like an impossibility.
“But I’m finding that hard to believe.”

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PostPosted: Sun Nov 21, 2021 3:56 pm 

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“So you don’t recognise me?” Sirius found himself asking, realising that he definitely recognised James’ friend.
It wasn’t uncommon for people to look at the stars, but there were always someone who looked more frequently than others. James’ friend looked at the stars a lot, it was every night that Sirius had been able to see him looking up, so it seemed odd to him that he wouldn’t be able to recognise him, if only just a little bit.
“You look at the stars a lot,” he added, having been given the name Sirius from all the people who looked up at him.

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PostPosted: Mon Nov 22, 2021 3:33 pm 

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The stranger could have said many things, but that particular question was beyond comprehension, so unlikely precisely that it made Remus’ expression falter in utter disbelief.
“What do you mean?” he startled, a sense of weariness audible in his voice, betraying the fact that the man was speaking truthfully.
Remus’ gaze shifted, glancing at James in search for any signs of guilt or remorse, trying to gauge whether or not that information had come from him.
“No, I don’t recognize you,” he insisted as his attention returned to the stranger, desperately searching for an ounce of control, quickly feeling this conversation derailing into something completely out of his depth.

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PostPosted: Mon Nov 22, 2021 4:25 pm 

This body is a vessel for my mayhem and as long as I can perform bafoonery it doesn’t matter if this stomach is flat or not

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Sirius was a bit disappointed by that answer, even if he had already known that humans weren’t likely to recognise him in this form. He had, however, had very high hopes for James’ friend, who he had almost come to consider a friend on his own during the many hours he had spent watching him watching them.
“It’s you humans who have given me my name, you know?” Sirius attempted, unsure if it was going to help anything, but he wasn’t sure how else to explain to this man where he had seen him before.
“I’ve heard it for centuries, you all call me Sirius, so that is my name,” he stated, a soft smile on his lips as he did so. He had always been very fond of humans and when they had given him a name, he had accepted it gladly.

it’s quick, it’s easy and it’s free: pouring river water in your socks

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