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PostPosted: Thu May 30, 2024 2:56 pm 

This body is a vessel for my mayhem and as long as I can perform bafoonery it doesn’t matter if this stomach is flat or not

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Seeing the easy interaction between Harry and Neville made something tug on Draco’s heart, aware that it was likely an entirely normal interaction, however it seemed so filled with an intimacy that was so entirely foreign to Draco that it almost made him want to cry.
He smiled softly at the interaction, almost feeling like he was being privy to something that wasn’t entirely for him to see. It felt very special to be let into something like this and he tried to just enjoy the feeling.
“I might take you up on that,” he stated with a soft smile. He was happy enough living with Sirius and Remus, but the commute was rather long and it would be nice to be able to forgo that every once in a while.

it’s quick, it’s easy and it’s free: pouring river water in your socks

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PostPosted: Sat Jun 01, 2024 3:26 am 

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Looking at Draco over the top of the rim of his pint glass as he took a drink, Harry’s eyes crinkled in lieu of a smile.
Despite having spent quite some time together at Grimmauld, Harry hadn’t considered inviting Draco to High Wycombe; it wasn’t out of ill will, rather a sort of dated muscle memory. He hadn’t invited anybody else his fathers had been hosting anywhere, either, but Draco was quickly becoming different.
“Please do,” he insisted, feeling a little bad for not having offered as much earlier. His smile turned a little sheepish. “The couch’s great, but you’d get the bed, obviously.”

Neville’s eyes rested fondly on Harry, sometimes seeing his parents in him so clearly; if asked, Neville felt quietly certain that Harry, too, would host some displaced teens. The way Draco seemed to take him up on the offered reassured Neville that Draco might know, too.
He wanted to add that Harry’s bed was even more comfortable, but unaware of what Harry had told Draco, Neville instead bit his cheek and straightened his posture a little.
“Can I have some of that?” he asked Draco instead as he pointed to the bottle of wine Harry had offered him, a soft little byline to the conversation.

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PostPosted: Sun Jun 02, 2024 3:57 pm 

This body is a vessel for my mayhem and as long as I can perform bafoonery it doesn’t matter if this stomach is flat or not

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There was something intoxicating about getting to just witness people who were close like this, the love all of these people so clearly felt for each other emanating from them and embracing Draco in a way that he wasn’t used to.
When Neville requested the wine, Draco was broken out of his stupor for a bit, nodding softly as he reached out for the bottle in front of him.
“I would never throw you out of your bed, not even for my early lessons,” Draco stated with a soft smile, as he moved two glasses in front of him and started pouring.

it’s quick, it’s easy and it’s free: pouring river water in your socks

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PostPosted: Wed Jun 05, 2024 4:12 pm 

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“No chance,” Harry dismissed with a laugh.
Shifting in his seat, he turned further towards the conversation, elbows better on the table now that the glasses had cleared space around him. With the weeks Draco had already spent around his fathers, Harry felt pretty sure he should have known better than to put Harry in that position.
“I’d never hear the end of it if Sirius found out I made you sleep on the couch.”

Gratefully accepting the glass of wine, Neville sat back against the wall.
“At this pace you’re gonna have to share the bed, then,” he asked, his voice and smile soft and easy despite the unmistakable tease; it only widened when he saw Harry make a face at that, finding him to be so transparent in his reaction.
Neville’s attention returned to Draco, not trying to make a fuss. “Just take the bedroom, Draco, they’ve unfortunately raised him to be pretty polite.”

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PostPosted: Mon Jun 10, 2024 4:04 pm 

This body is a vessel for my mayhem and as long as I can perform bafoonery it doesn’t matter if this stomach is flat or not

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Draco couldn’t help but smile and shake his head at that, finding a soft blush come to his cheeks at the implication of sharing a bed with Harry, but deciding not to linger on that particular feeling.
Instead he just allow the warm feeling of being in good company wash over him, feeling so lucky that he decided to seek out Sirius that day.
“All of you are far too kind.”

it’s quick, it’s easy and it’s free: pouring river water in your socks

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PostPosted: Fri Jun 14, 2024 2:38 pm 

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Harry had really enjoyed Draco’s company this evening, but particularly at that very moment, some few odd hours later in the evening. After years being the sole smoker of the group, Harry appreciated Draco joining him for one.
Leaning against the tiny ledge of the pub window, Harry had his legs stretched out ahead of him, looking up at Draco through a puff of smoke. He looked far more flushed and relaxed than Harry had probably ever seen him, making something within Harry flip with both relief and excitement.
“Yeah, he’s great isn’t he?” he grinned, eternally in awe and adoration of Neville.
Harry had shuffled around the chairs to chat, but still he had noticed how Draco and Neville had seemingly been deep in conversation for most of the night.

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PostPosted: Sat Jun 22, 2024 12:08 pm 

This body is a vessel for my mayhem and as long as I can perform bafoonery it doesn’t matter if this stomach is flat or not

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Draco couldn’t remember the last time he had felt so carefree.
While the group as a whole had accepted him with ease, Draco had locked himself in a conversation with Neville, other people, mainly Harry, coming and going, but the only constant the entire evening had been Neville.
This was the first time since they had been introduced that Draco was apart from him, taking Harry’s offer of a smoke break with great relief, needing a moment to find himself again in it all.
“Yeah, he is lovely,” Draco stated with a warm smile, finding the entire evening so entirely lovely that it hardly felt real.
“Thank you for taking me out.”

it’s quick, it’s easy and it’s free: pouring river water in your socks

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PostPosted: Sun Jun 23, 2024 11:53 am 

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Glancing down to ash his cigarette against the aluminium edge of his seat, Harry peered up at Draco in interrupted glances, a grin on his lips.
“Of course,” he dismissed, the easiest thing in the world. He adored his friends and took Draco’s gratitude for a great compliment. “Any time you want to come, you’re more than welcome.”
“Darling!” someone called from the shapeless crowd on the street, but Harry paid it no mind, carrying on conversationally.
“We try to do something like this a couple of times a month, but we’re a pretty large group so people also tend to split off -”
“Draco,” the same man exhaled, shoving past strangers, looking all like he had just ran several miles.
Harry stared at him with blank confusion, recognizing Draco’s name in the mouth of the other, but failing to immediately place him as Draco’s ex. When he did, a beat later, Harry scrambled to sit up straighter, eyes wearily turning to Draco.
“Draco, darling, please talk to me I - I don’t understand what happened,” Peter went on, stepping closer to Draco with the mannerisms of someone expecting Draco to skitter away, inexplicably.

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PostPosted: Wed Jun 26, 2024 4:07 pm 

This body is a vessel for my mayhem and as long as I can perform bafoonery it doesn’t matter if this stomach is flat or not

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While Draco did his best to stay engaged in the conversation with Harry, he couldn’t help but pick up a voice that seemed far too familiar. At first, he figured that it was just nerves from the day he had had, but before he had managed to come up with a proper answer to Harry, Peter bounded into his field of vision.
It took Draco so much aback that he just stared unblinkingly at him, the smoke from his cigarette slightly obscuring his vision but not enough to hide who was talking to him.
Once he came back to himself again, Draco was immediately hit with the same wave of nausea that had hit him at lunch; feeling his entire body seethe as if he would be able to skitter away from this.
“I think we’ve both said enough,” Draco stated, his voice soft as he took a drag from his cigarette, needing something to do other than just sicking up right there on the street.
“I don’t want to hear anything you have to say.”

it’s quick, it’s easy and it’s free: pouring river water in your socks

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PostPosted: Thu Jun 27, 2024 11:50 am 

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Peter stared at Draco with a genuine look of desperate confusion. For how much they might have said already, it felt like Draco had failed to make the actual conflict clear, having instead gone on a tirade describing the consequences, all of which seemed utterly out of proportion to Peter.
“I thought it would be nice,” he repeated. Besides a quick glance towards Harry, he continued unfazed by the publicity of it all. “I - I understand if it feels like a lot, but it’s a nice thing, Draco. I love you.”

Despite registering the fact that Peter had glanced at him, Harry’s attention remained on Draco, trying to gauge his state of mind. It really struck him how little the two of them actually knew each other, struggling to properly read Draco’s quiet as distress or anger, only one of which probably warranted an interjection.
However, Harry was also painfully aware of the fact that he had already once been asked to come pick Draco up from a shitty situation. In a way that felt pre-emptive, Harry slowly stood up from his perch at the window.

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PostPosted: Mon Jul 08, 2024 1:47 pm 

This body is a vessel for my mayhem and as long as I can perform bafoonery it doesn’t matter if this stomach is flat or not

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“Don’t ****ing say that,” Draco spat, surprising himself with the venom his voice contained, he couldn’t help it though. Hearing Peter claim that he loved him after what he had done made Draco sick to his stomach, knowing that if Peter had really and truly loved him, then he never would have been in this situation.
“Don’t you bloody say that,” he repeated, unable to look properly at Peter, but the once glance he spared at Harry filled him with so much embarrassment that he almost couldn’t contain it.
Now more than ever before, Draco wanted to just vanish. He didn’t want to discuss proper coming out procedures with Peter and he didn’t want Harry to pity him for having picked a piece of **** boyfriend in the first place.
“You don’t understand **** all, so **** off and leave me the hell alone.”

it’s quick, it’s easy and it’s free: pouring river water in your socks

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PostPosted: Tue Jul 09, 2024 12:03 pm 

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Peter was genuinely gobsmacked at the accusation, feeling like he was talking to a stranger, and not the man he’d been in a relationship with. For a long moment, he actually seemed hurt, before it recoiled making his lip curl.
“God, Draco, you’re such a hypocrite!” he exasperated, as his frustration finally seemed to bubble over, filling his chest.
“Hey, don’t say that -” Harry interjected, only stepping far enough away from the window ledge to shoulder slightly in front of Draco, raising his hand at shoulder-level to encourage a bit of distance between them.
Peter, however, stepped forward regardless, attention firmly on Draco as he angled himself away from Harry.
“It’s been years that you’ve been the one to make decisions about how our relationship should be,” he returned with spite, the words accompanied by an accusatory gesture of his hands. “And I’ve let you, because I do love you, but it was my ****ing time to have a say.”

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PostPosted: Wed Jul 10, 2024 1:52 pm 

This body is a vessel for my mayhem and as long as I can perform bafoonery it doesn’t matter if this stomach is flat or not

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The anger that bubbled up within him was unlike anything that Draco had ever felt before, feeling nauseous with the accusations that Peter was throwing his way.
For a split second, Draco wondered if he had been unfair to Peter, taking the lead on their relationship and telling him how they could be together. The moment passed quickly though, because Draco knew just how thoroughly he had warned Peter before they started dating, how he had explained in detail how important it was that they stay hidden and secret and how being in public was never going to be an option.
“You knew-“ Draco started but his voice cut off, feeling the anger and frustration well up in him at even having to be in this position in the first place. With slightly shaky hands, Draco took a drag from his cigarette, having all but forgotten about it in his hand.
When he blew out the air again he felt more stable.
“I told you from the beginning what this was going to be,” he continued, the burning hot anger slowly dissipating and making way for ice cold apathy. “I told you that I was never going to come out and if you wanted to be with me, that was just something that you would have to deal with.”

it’s quick, it’s easy and it’s free: pouring river water in your socks

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PostPosted: Wed Jul 10, 2024 2:24 pm 

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“You ****ing think you’re worth that?” Peter spat almost immediately, all but lunging forward, shoulder crashing into Harry’s arm.
“Whoa,” Harry cussed, fist closing around the shoulder of Peter’s shirt, an instinct to keep him in place and at a distance from Draco. “Maybe you should go home, mate.”
Almost absent-mindedly, Peter clawed at Harry’s wrist, attempting to shrug out of the grip.
“I agreed to it, because I didn’t think you’d ever be delusional enough to stick to it,” he continued, craning to the side to continue to yell at Draco, venom in his voice.

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PostPosted: Thu Jul 11, 2024 2:57 pm 

This body is a vessel for my mayhem and as long as I can perform bafoonery it doesn’t matter if this stomach is flat or not

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While Draco probably should have seen it coming, he still felt as if the world disappeared from underneath him at Peter’s outburst. He had known from the beginning that he was asking a lot of anyone who might want to date him, which was exactly why he had been so open about it from the beginning. The fact that that hadn’t saved him from the exact outcome that he had tried to avoid made him feel sick to his stomach.
“You can’t ****ing say that you accept my conditions and then get mad when I stick to them,” Draco spat feeling furious that this had probably been his plan right from the get go.
“Do you have any idea what this has meant for me? I was goddamn lucky that Sirius is a better person than any other family member I have, otherwise I would have been in big trouble.”

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PostPosted: Thu Jul 11, 2024 3:13 pm 

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“What trouble?!” Peter bristled, the root cause of the frustration baring its teeth, having always thought Draco was blowing it all out of proportion and that even the worst case scenario was utterly manageable; Peter himself had come out to his parents just fine. “That your daddy won’t speak to you, stop paying your rent?”
Trashing against Harry’s grip, Peter continued to yell at Draco. In turn, Harry’s grip only tightened, all but shoving him backwards in the attempt to keep him at a distance.
“Calm down-” Harry attempted, but the physical effort stained his voice despite his best efforts to keep calm, himself.
“Grow up!” Peter continued. “You’re in school to be a doctor; I could’ve supported you through it. We could’ve had a ****ing life together!”

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PostPosted: Fri Jul 12, 2024 12:03 pm 

This body is a vessel for my mayhem and as long as I can perform bafoonery it doesn’t matter if this stomach is flat or not

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“Are you even ****ing hearing yourself right now?” Draco spat, not really having it in himself to be particularly surprised by how Peter was seeing their entire situation, yet he was still astounded by the audacity he was showing in even suggesting this.
“Christ, if you could just get your head out of your ass and think about something other than yourself for once, then maybe you’d be able to see how this is affecting me,” he stated, feeling sick and tired of having to justify why he was angry about this.
“To hell with my father, how on earth do you think that I am ever going to be able to trust you again?”

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PostPosted: Fri Jul 12, 2024 1:14 pm 

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Peter’s lips curled at that, so clearly unable to process the concepts Draco was asking him to consider; he simply looked at Draco like he was unreasonable and weak.
“God, what a ****ing waste of time you’ve been,” he said, his voice snide but steadier. “You’re right, I’m better ****ing off without you, you (racial slur) (homophobic slur)-”
Peter’s voice was cut off by the hollow thud of his teeth, Harry’s first striking him square on the jaw. Harry’s hand around Peter’s shirt had grown purposeful, a mirrored image; while he’d been using it to keep Peter away, it now allowed an anchor to pull him close and steady enough to punch at full force.
“Don’t ****ing say that!” Harry yelled at Peter, for the split moment he had stumbled, his posture momentarily slack in Harry’s grip. Peter’s lip was cut, and the blood on his face must have been a mix of his own and Harry’s, his knuckles scraped bloody. “Do you hear me? I’ll break your ****ing teeth.”
The stupor only lasted a split second, and Peter finally, successfully wrestled Harry’s hands off of him.
“Piece of ****ing ****,” he spat as he staggered a step back, hands flying to his nose first, only to realize the blood was from his mouth.

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PostPosted: Fri Jul 12, 2024 3:56 pm 

This body is a vessel for my mayhem and as long as I can perform bafoonery it doesn’t matter if this stomach is flat or not

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Everything happened so quickly that Draco barely registered what Peter had actually called him, before he was bleeding from his mouth and Harry from his fist.
Suddenly, the attention was away from him and Peter seemed to focus his incriminations towards Harry instead. It gave Draco a whiplash and he was having a hard time finding a proper foundation in the new situation, shocked and surprised that Harry would stand up for him like that.

it’s quick, it’s easy and it’s free: pouring river water in your socks

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PostPosted: Fri Jul 12, 2024 4:20 pm 

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“You’re gonna ****ing regret this - both of you,” Peter bit back, and though he all but lunged forward as he said so, he was already retreating back towards the curb. Blood continued to dribble from his lips, even though he had attempted to wipe it on his sleeve. “I’ll ****ing sue.”
“Sure,” Harry laughed at Peter, sounding as if it was punched out of him.
Hey,” a voice bellowed from somewhere off to Harry’s right. The doorman stood on the stoop pointing at them in warning. “You two. Get the **** away from each other!”
Though they were no longer touching, Harry took a step backwards, anger already waning in favour of the stinging pain from his hand. Shaking it slightly to regain feeling in it also brought blood back to it, making the cuts on his knuckles fill and overflow. “Big ****ing man that you are. ****ing racist bell-end.”
“**** you, Draco,” Peter said, spitting a glob of blood onto the pavement between them, before turning to leave into the crowd, cussing on-lookers off as he passed.

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