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 Post subject: Restoration of Arnor
PostPosted: Tue Aug 12, 2014 11:59 pm 

Missing My Companions

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So, a long time ago while I was playing Battle for Middle-earth I and II; I realized something rather interesting. In one part of the game, you have the ability to reunite Arnor, and doing so allowed you to bring extra aid to the besieged free realms of Rohan and Gondor. From this game arose the idea of what would have happened in the War of the Ring if Arnor had indeed been restored by the time the Ring set out from Rivendell? To this end, the following thoughts have been explored in my own private writing, but I believe it can be explored better with other lovers of Tolkien's world. Thus, this interest check. Allow me to explain more...

The time frame is set to begin in 2956 of the Third Age when Aragorn meets Gandalf for the very first time. That gives those of us participating in this epic story quest some sixty-two years to whip Arnor into shape....the main events of the Lord of the Rings beginning mostly in 3018. The question is, can the heroes actually reunite the fragments of the old Dunedain realm, gather her scattered resources, and hopefully stop the Enemy from finding out too quickly about what they are doing?

Now, there is another part to this story...something unexplored by Tolkien....the Lesser and Minor Rings of Power. For in the Second Age when Sauron sacked Eregion...he laid waste to it. As none of the Great Rings were present, and that was what he sought...the Lesser and Minor Rings were likely scattered....much like the treasures of Gondolin Gandalf and Bilbo found in the HOBBIT. As such, I suggest that the Companions have the chance to find three Lesser and three Minor for each member of the free people they were originally made for: Elf, Dwarf, and Man. This would give each character a chance to have at least one of these Rings later on as the chapters grow.

There is a lot of work to be done...none of it will be easy. The Companions would not only need to gather Arnorn's lost resources, but convince the Elves of Mithlond and Rivendell to no longer flee into the West...not to mention convince the reclusive Dwarves of Thorin's Hall in Ered Luin to help. The challenges the Companions would face are plentiful and many, and not simply going on various treasure seeking and monster slaying adventures.

No canon characters would be allowed...everything would need to be original in creation. Arthalion, the Dunedain responsible for setting this up, will be my character if this goes forward. As before, I look forward to seeing your thoughts on this idea.


"One Ring to rule them all, One Ring to find them,
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 Post subject: Re: Restoration of Arnor
PostPosted: Wed Aug 13, 2014 1:36 am 
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It's Lord of The Rings. Of course I'm interested.

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 Post subject: Re: Restoration of Arnor
PostPosted: Wed Aug 13, 2014 7:04 pm 
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Would you look at that? A fellow Battle for Middle-Earth player! Of course, I'm in!

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 Post subject: Re: Restoration of Arnor
PostPosted: Wed Aug 13, 2014 8:33 pm 

Missing My Companions

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That is two so far...excellent, and yes, I used to play that game for hours on in...and if not careful...two days straight :)

That said, I will start putting details together for this idea in an OOC area very soon. I look forward to seeing more people join us...there is a lot of work to do...certainly not a story to die out anytime soon.


"One Ring to rule them all, One Ring to find them,
One Ring to bring them all, and in the darkness bind them."

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 Post subject: Re: Restoration of Arnor
PostPosted: Sun Aug 17, 2014 11:58 am 

Missing My Companions

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The OOC discussion for this project is going up today or tomorrow; so keep your eyes open for those of you are interested.


"One Ring to rule them all, One Ring to find them,
One Ring to bring them all, and in the darkness bind them."

~J.R.R. Tolkien

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 Post subject: Re: Restoration of Arnor
View Likes PostPosted: Mon Jan 22, 2018 6:26 pm 

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Dammit! Where was I in 2014? Writing an alternative timeline of the events of Rohan and Isengard from the eyes of of a young woman of Westmarch. Anyway, That may be posted in the 'stories' forum I saw yesterday. Anyway, Dnarion, I found it!

Dnarion wrote:
So, a long time ago while I was playing Battle for Middle-earth I and II; I realized something rather interesting. In one part of the game, you have the ability to reunite Arnor, and doing so allowed you to bring extra aid to the besieged free realms of Rohan and Gondor. From this game arose the idea of what would have happened in the War of the Ring if Arnor had indeed been restored by the time the Ring set out from Rivendell? To this end, the following thoughts have been explored in my own private writing, but I believe it can be explored better with other lovers of Tolkien's world. Thus, this interest check. Allow me to explain more...

The time frame is set to begin in 2956 of the Third Age when Aragorn meets Gandalf for the very first time. That gives those of us participating in this epic story quest some sixty-two years to whip Arnor into shape....the main events of the Lord of the Rings beginning mostly in 3018. The question is, can the heroes actually reunite the fragments of the old Dunedain realm, gather her scattered resources, and hopefully stop the Enemy from finding out too quickly about what they are doing?

Now, there is another part to this story...something unexplored by Tolkien....the Lesser and Minor Rings of Power. For in the Second Age when Sauron sacked Eregion...he laid waste to it. As none of the Great Rings were present, and that was what he sought...the Lesser and Minor Rings were likely scattered....much like the treasures of Gondolin Gandalf and Bilbo found in the HOBBIT. As such, I suggest that the Companions have the chance to find three Lesser and three Minor for each member of the free people they were originally made for: Elf, Dwarf, and Man. This would give each character a chance to have at least one of these Rings later on as the chapters grow.

There is a lot of work to be done...none of it will be easy. The Companions would not only need to gather Arnorn's lost resources, but convince the Elves of Mithlond and Rivendell to no longer flee into the West...not to mention convince the reclusive Dwarves of Thorin's Hall in Ered Luin to help. The challenges the Companions would face are plentiful and many, and not simply going on various treasure seeking and monster slaying adventures.

No canon characters would be allowed...everything would need to be original in creation. Arthalion, the Dunedain responsible for setting this up, will be my character if this goes forward. As before, I look forward to seeing your thoughts on this idea.

I never got into the BFME games, but Arnor is one of my great loves of obscure Tolkien legendarium. One of my first RPs on a forum was called 'Mists of Arnor' set about 40 years before the War of the Ring. Good writers, good characters, great interaction. Sadly, the forum is no more and I only have saved notes from it.

So, late to the party I know, but I would be greatluy interested in writing in a tale set in Arnor in 2956 of the 3rd age. I can dust off an old character of mine and give her bio a tune-up. I think I left her standing at the dusty bar in a deserted Forsaken Inn drinking a bottle of aged red wine from The Shire. !dizzy

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 Post subject: Re: Restoration of Arnor
PostPosted: Fri Jan 26, 2018 11:19 am 

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With a renewed interest in this particular thread of stories I have wanted to write - I believe it is time to once more send out the call to see if anyone else is interested in joining. There is plenty for everyone to do. The story has need of craftsmen, lore masters, tacticians, diplomats, and more. It is not just about fighting one battle after another - though there shall certainly be plenty of those moments, but about truly finding a way to restore Arnor from the ashes before the War of the Ring begins. Once this is accomplished - the after effects of our actions here will then impact the War of the Ring. Naturally, the idea is to have a more positive impact...not a negative one. Imagine...

Instead of Rohan standing alone at Helm's Deep (aside from the movie showing the arrival of the Elves of Lothlorien) - troops arrive from Rohan to help those in the siege against the Uruk-kai. Then, imagine extra forces arriving in Gondor to help Minas Tirith or Osgiliath! Might Osgiliath not have fallen, or at least forced the Enemy to take heavier losses.

Yet, to reach these points, Arnor must be restored. So, feel free to post in here if you are interested. All previous information still applies in my first post.


"One Ring to rule them all, One Ring to find them,
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 Post subject: Re: Restoration of Arnor
PostPosted: Sun Jan 28, 2018 4:53 pm 

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I believe some more info is needed here in order to make this worthy of the Alpha section (which is the main area I write in). As such, I will be adding more to the OOC section for this project, and update as necessary. This story is a dream I have had for quite some time now, and I believe the time to tell it has come. Those interested are more than welcome to show such here, or can simply PM me. As often as I am here (as this is my second home); your messages will be read rather quickly, and responded to. I look forward to working with all of you on this, and am excited to see how it turns out.


"One Ring to rule them all, One Ring to find them,
One Ring to bring them all, and in the darkness bind them."

~J.R.R. Tolkien

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 Post subject: Re: Restoration of Arnor
PostPosted: Mon Nov 18, 2024 7:14 pm 

I found my way back here!

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This would have been interesting! I'm six years too late.

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