Here is a helpful break down of how we do things here at Creative Freedom, this was written by two of our members. Donta and Braioch. Edited to reflect changes over the years.
Written by Donta: Normally, we organize our Roleplays into two threads, one IC (In Character) and one OOC (Out of Character).
They usually start in the OOC, where people post the main idea or starting plot of the Roleplay, and people post their character sheets which usually consist of descriptions of their characters and a little of thier backgrounds. Once we know who's who, we go ahead and post in the IC.
The IC is where the story happens. Normally we try to keep the IC clean of OOC chat, putting it in the corresponding OOC thread. Here in the IC, you RP normally, usually taking turns to post but there are exceptions. General rules apply like common sense and good manners, not controlling other peoples characters etc.
We have three sections here geared towards your roleplayer level. Still, feel free to post wherever you feel you fit best.
OmegaFor those looking for a very casual setting. This is the only location where one liners are allowed and the grammar/spelling requirements are very laxed.
BetaFor those seeking more than one line per post, but are not sticklers for grammar and spelling, however know how to basically construct a sentence and a well worded paragraph.
AlphaFor those who are expecting more from their writing partners and whose grammar and spelling is nearly perfect with each post.
In The CaveA place for "naughty" people who want to Roleplay in an R/M rated setting. However, the standards for this is akin to Alpha, in terms of Quality before content and constructing well thought out sentences and posts.
Each section has an OOC subforum to place the OOC thread, and the main IC thread goes under the main part of the section. Within each roleplaying section there is also a specific forum designated for people who wish to only rp with one other partner (sometimes 2. Anything more than 3 would be considered a group rp and would go into the main rp forum section). These are the 1x1 sections of the forum and are made for private roleplaying.Take a look at whats there for some good examples.
We also have something called an Interest Check section. These can be found within each Roleplaying Forum as a subforum as well and are there for the purpose of a member to try and garner interest prior to setting up an rp. This helps with them knowing how many people they can expect in an rp, as well as ensuring can get people prior to going through the hassle of setting up an OOC. These threads usually contain the basic information of an rp idea, as well as possibly a character sheet template that people can look over to know what will be expected of them. This is also the thread that basic or general questions can be answered and clarified prior to those interested joining in an rp.
Again, if you have questions, let us know.
Written by Braioch: To start an RP you find your respective RP section (Omega, Beta, etc) that fits the experience level you're looking for, we will use the Omega section as an example.
There you would find the OOC for that section, which is
here. Now there are OOC's currently up in the Omega section so you you can look them over to see what others have done and use them as possible examples prior to you setting up your own. The way to do that is the new thread button which since you can find at the top left of the forum page.
Now this new thread you would title appropriately, probably the title of whatever RP you are wanting to create. In the new thread you then put the premise or plot of your RP, basically you can choose anyway to show what the plot of your thread is. Then you might want to create a char sheet for people to use.
(Example: Name:
Of course your sheet maybe different with less or more depending on what it is exactly that you want from the characters people are creating. Once you have done that you post the thread. From that point, you may want to wait until people begin posting characters, and of course since you created the thread, you'll want to look over the characters that people post, and either tell them something they need to work on (such as they missed something important, or some other detail you needed) or you accept their character sheet and approve them for the RP.
Once you feel you have enough characters for your RP (even if it is meant to be a group you can start an rp with only just one other character, or even without anyone yet if you want to have everything set up and ready to do instantly) you then go to the normal IC section which is
here for the Omega section. Then you repeat the process of creating the IC (in character) thread, there your post will be that of your characters, once you have completed your opening post, just post it. Then other people can begin posting as well, and from that point it's just a matter of everyone posting and having a good time with your RP idea.

Now as I said, you don't need to get an RP approved, but if you're posting in someone else's RP, you need to get approved by them first( Unless it specifically says that people are welcomed to just jump in). If they do not have an OOC section for that RP, they may have set it up with someone else, and as such didn't need an OOC, or they have other reasons. Nevertheless if you're still interested in the thread, private message the author of the thread and ask them if you may join.
I hope you found this helpful, if you have anymore questions, just post them or contact the staff, we'll gladly help you.