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PostPosted: Thu Dec 08, 2022 2:26 pm 
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A dim red sun was seen through the snowy clouds and smog of the UMFs largest planetside shipyard. Sparks were falling from overhead as Lieutenant Supervisor Daryn Maddox paced through the project space of the uncompleted ship’s berth. He had spent years conniving and clawing his way out of abject poverty to achieve his goals. His plan to escape the UMF would finally come to fruition soon. His aide followed him closely as he inspected the piece and parts on the nearby machining benches. His clenched fist hovered at his hip next to his legendary relic pistol that had been his in ages past as he watched a worker with shaking frostbitten hands fail several times to assemble a critical component of the ship. Daryn shoves the worker out of his way and near effortlessly assembles the component with his warmed gloved hands as the break alarm rings allowing the workers to spend a bleak couple minutes to crowd around the few stationary area heaters. Daryn continued working as he knew that he could stand next to the heater anytime he wanted and this way he knew he could have the component ready to be installed by the time the break would be over.

The UMF was a dystopian corporate monstrosity posing as a free market union after the global collapse and the onset of the great darkness. Daryn heard the shuffling of feet behind him. He responded immediately with a sudden spin kick knocking a crude pipe pistol out of the hand of the worker he had pushed to the ground one too many times. His guards rushed over immediately, dragging the worker away to the security office. Daryn hated what his position often required him to do so that he could reasonably expect and hope that he might one day escape the bitter cold. Hours later after dealing with the worker accordingly at the end of his shift and talking to one of his close associates at one of the nearby staffing offices for the UMF navy he returned to his cold apartment. He lit the small wood stove beside his bed with some pallet wood he had acquired at a supply depot. He opened a cupboard and pulled out a nearly frozen bar of pemmican he had prepared decades ago in the wilds of the Yukon. He set the pemmican to warm up on a plate sitting on the stove. As he waited for his food to become edible he opened a hidden compartment in the wall and pulled out his bible and began to read from it. The ancient book was written in a form of English not spoken for centuries which Daryn was quite familiar with.

Several weeks later Daryn sat across a table from the Regional Manager the heir apparent to be the political officer on Ambition which he had toiled for years to bring about its success before its competitors. The panel of officers looked on Daryn with scrutiny seeing an old man who had been recommended by the office of human resources as the ship's security officer. A manager spoke up, "so tell me Mr.Maddox what makes you most qualified for this position?" Daryn replied, "I am extremely skillful at ensuring human shortcomings don't interfere with the success of the project I am assigned. I have ensured that the construction of your ship was not hindered by the lack of resources and skilled workers." Another Manager interjected, "You would insist that our processes are flawed?" Daryn quickly and flatly replies, "I would. I have heard recently that our Martian competitors have been able to produce a similarly capable ship in half of the time. I have no doubt that corporate espionage has played a role." The first manager piped in, "if you think this why didn't you do anything about it?" Daryn's reply came accusingly sharp, "It wasn't my job and I was told just that by security supervisor of ship yard. I have noted all suspicious activity in my reports which is as far as my duty extends." A long moment of silence hung over the conference room until the Regional Manager spoke up, "Will you be do anything and everything to ensure success of the ship's mission?" Daryn paused and then confidently spoke, "I will."

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PostPosted: Fri Dec 09, 2022 3:42 pm 

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From dead Silence Noise Begins Resonating From the Giant Engine Core of the U.M.F. Ambition, The newest ship to be constructed by the Main UMF Shipyard, located in the Old gulf of mexico. The engine core is made of a prototype mk47-C dual core Fusion reactor, powering 3 mk5 Epstein hybrid Fusion Heavy Drive Cones, and 4 mk2 Epstein Fusion light drive cones. for light speed in system propulsion, And the state of the Art prototype Type 2b-Frameshift drive. As the Reactor Reaches the Self Sustainment temperature the engineers call the dock to disengage the Ground power so the reactor can take over. As the ground personnel shut down the small ground reactor all the running lights and interior lights of the ship flicker as the power quickly switches to the internal reactor. The Door to the bridge beeps and opens as Sarah steps through and on to the bridge quickly looking around before sitting the Command chair, which is in the center of the bridge Above the other stations that are sunk into the floor. Navigation and sensors are in the front where they have a clear vision through the bridge’s reinforced windows Engineering stations placed to the left side of the bridge, and the Tactical stations to the right side of the bridge. A message Comes to Sarah through the monitor on her chair saying the last of the crew buses have arrived and the last of the crew is about to come aboard.
Sarah: “Engineering, Bring reactor to take off power, and ready assisters for ignition. We are taking off for high orbit in 30 minutes!” The main drive Cones begins to start up before Flashing to life with a Blue glow and guessing a gust of wind out the back of the ship and into the radioactive wasteland where the great war took place. All the maneuvering thrusters test fire and start to gimbal to test the control surfaces. Along each side of the long ship, are 3 banks of 3 mk.7 Solid Rocket Boosters to aid in the initial lift off and getting the ship up to an altitude where the drive cones are at a great enough power range to take over and get the ship the rest of the way into orbit. Sarah hits a button on the internal comms screen that opens the Ship Wide intercom. Sarah: “All Hands, Prepare all Stations for lift off. Mission orders will Follow once in orbit.”
Sarah Would Page Daryn Maddox: “How Goes the Boarding, Is everyone checked in yet?” She would ask, Hoping to get into orbit as soon as possible, and leave this Smog ridden and Dying Planet as soon as possible.

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PostPosted: Tue Dec 13, 2022 1:53 am 
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"Negative, the first officer has yet to check in. All other boarding and loading has been going as planned. What the dev-" Daryn screams before a loud crash is heard before his audio cuts out. Daryn ran over to the tracked planet rover which crashed into several crates. Behind the controls sat the laughing first officer of the ship. Daryn motioned for his security forces to pull the man from the crashed vehicle. Daryn noted the strong stench of alcohol of both his direct superior officer and the vehicle as he shut it down. Daryn roughly escorted him the elevator at the end of the vehicle bay in view of the cameras.

Once inside of the elevator Daryn shoved the terrified drunk boy against the corner of the elevator chastising him with, "Are you ****ing crazy? Showing up drunk on launch day!?! Get yourself together before you make an embarrassment of this ship with the whole UMF watching!" Daryn was comfortable with the fact that their little conversation would stay between the two of them. Daryn knew that the elevator had no surveillance devices in it as he had memorized the ship's security systems down to the finest details. He quickly fixed the first officer's uniform from its disheveled appearance and wiping drunkenness off of his face. Daryn stood the first officer in front of him just off to the right as appropriate for their ranks just before the elevator opened to the hallway. The two walked along on their way to bridge the first officer being steadied by Daryn.

The door's to the bridge opened and the two walked in as Daryn proclaimed, "Manager Steiner I present the assistant manager is on the bridge!" He sharply saluted Sarah as the first officer almost sloppily saluted the captain. Daryn dropped his salute after being acknowledged by Sarah. His pager buzzed as he received a report from one of his subordinates that the boarding was complete and the ship was secure. He spoke directly to Sarah, "Boarding and check in is complete. Ship is secure and ready for lift off. No stowaways found as of this moment."

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PostPosted: Tue Dec 13, 2022 1:10 pm 

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Sarah turns to face Daryn, and Solutes Back, “Thank you Lieutenant Supervisor, I would advise my assistant manager to get acquainted with his quarters to straighten up.” She says smelling the alcohol coming from him. Sarah gets back on the communications screen and opens the channel to the dry dock. “All crew members are aboard and supplies have been loaded, ship is Secure, Ready for liftoff.” Sarah says To the Dock Controller, The Catwalks and Cargo ramps begin to retract. Engineer: “Engine Room Reporting Full power to engine core!” Sarah Opens a Ship Wide Channel, “All Hands, Code Blue, Prepare for Turbulence.”
“Helm. Punch it!” Sarah says, turning to face the window of the bridge. All the Downward Maneuvering Thrusters fire as well as the Solid Rocket Launch assist Boosters, the Dry Dock clamps quickly release and quickly pull away from the ship. Anyone standing would feel the ship Taking on its own weight as it begins to climb in altitude. “We are at ignition Point! Hitting the Main engines now.” The Lights on the bridge dims, and some lights throughout the ship flicker,but soon the 3 main Drive cones ignite and anyone standing can feel the force of the 3 main engines, some of them getting knocked off their feet. As soon as the all drive cones are at full power the lights everywhere return to normal, As the ship begins to pitch up getting propelled by the sub light engines now. The set of solid rocket boosters shutdown now that the fuel inside them is depleted and they are jettisoned to fall back to earth to land in one of the polluted oceans.
After a short amount of time the Ship enters orbit after punching through all the orbital debris around the planet. “Helm, Set heading for Lunar Post delta, so we can finish pumping in the water and load our ammunition.” Sarah would turn to Daryn, ”Can you handle the loading of the Ammo, and water, we only pumped enough for about a week to save weight for the take off.”

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PostPosted: Sun Dec 25, 2022 3:08 pm 
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"Yes, Ma'am. I will see to it that it's done with maximum efficiency. Daryn says to the ship's manager as he strolls over to the security post on the bridge. He begins running through the whole ship via the display taking notes on almost everything he sees. He's only able to get quick glances at certain sections of the ship scanning over them like the Eye of Sauron looking for hints of treachery. For most of the transit time Daryn went about his job ensuring that everything in the ship was secure. It wasn't long before the ship was at its destination docked and locked ready to take on more supplies for its deep journey into the stars.

Daryn's supervision made the loading process run smoothly as though he had hundreds of years experience in middle management. His eye was caught by some movement out of the corner of his eye. He turned his attention to one of crates on the security cart. He walked over to it seeing a pistol unsecured lying on top in an aged leather holster. Picking it up he pulled it from the holster finding it to be a well preserved 1911 pistol from ages past. Reading the serial number he almost gasped realizing that after all of these years it had returned to him. He returned his pistol to it's holster and attached it to his belt. More movement caught his gaze and he saw a little furry black butt with a long black tail disappear around a corner. He ran to the corner looking around it to see what had left him the gift only to see that the hallway was empty. Progeny smirked as it was just like the good ole days.

He watched the loading ramp and was shocked to see a stasis pod that he had hoped to not see again. Inside was one of the Cyber Warriors that appeared year of terror the last year of the Second American Civil War. Daryn or Progeny rather knew this one well as it had been in the king's collection of dangerous items while he had been steward. Battles of ages past flashed in his mind as he remembered fighting several times to his dying breath to take just one or two of them down. It was rolled past him and he reached for his pistol before remembering that it was useless. He had never been able to figure out how Casey had captured it almost undamaged but Progeny knew that everything had been possible for him. Daryn called up to the bridge, "Boss, I will secure the relic weapons in the central security headquarters. I will be using the vault to secure some of them could you please rendezvous with me there boss?"

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PostPosted: Thu Jan 05, 2023 2:16 pm 

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I will be right down!” Sarah responds to Daryn. As Sarah gets up and turns to the door. “Assistant Manager, you have the bridge!” She would say as she leaves the bridge. Sarah gets on the elevator and pushes the 8 button. After the short elevator ride to the 8th deck, Sarah quickly makes her way to the center security area with all the vaults to meet her security Manager. Sarah is surprised at the amount of cargo that the UMF have brought aboard, Then she gets to a crate and as she looks it over the label on it says her real name. Sarah Bilinger, and not Sarah Steiner. Her heart would sink as she sits on it to block the view of the label as she scratches at the label, attempting to peel the label off the crate, or at least damage it enough to make it not readable. Sarah starts to look around for the security officer that she is supposed to be meeting while continuing to scratch at the label Hoping he Doesn’t see her attempting to remove the label.

Meanwhile on the bridge. “UMF ambition, to lunar one. This is the assistant manager commanding on deck, the hangar door is secured, and transfer Valves are locked off, ready to disengage.” The assistant manager says as he sits in the command chair waiting for the clearance to continue. The moon station replies. “This is Lunar one, we are blowing the Airlock seals, please wait for the arms to clear, and you're good to go.
The cargo arm vents and retracts towards the station followed by the 2 transfer hoses for water and liquid UF1 fuel. Spraying some leftovers into space. The Assistant manager would close comms with the lunar station, “Navigation set course to the jump point, half speed. Bring up the galactic map chart course to Alpha Centauri.” he would switch to internal comms. “Half Power answered sir, and the jump solution has been entered.” the navigation officer responds. The Assistant Manager pages Sarah “We are away from the Lunar base, and jump Solution has been prepared we are on route to the Jump point now.

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PostPosted: Thu Jan 05, 2023 2:36 pm 
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Daryn arrives at central security just as Sarah finishes her work on the crate. "Manager," he says to get her attention which she turns around as though she were a kid caught red handed. He took a mental note about her behavior but he wanted to make sure he did what he had set out to do. The Cyber-warrior was wheeled into the room and he motioned to the vault preparing his dual custody key. Walking up he began the opening sequence by inserting his key and waiting for her to do the same. The ship rocked slightly as it took off from its berthing but Daryn stood firm holding the key in the slot glancing at the now revealed scratched off portion of the box.

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PostPosted: Thu Jan 05, 2023 3:39 pm 

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"ah f***" Sarah thinks to herself. "Yep, Lets get this vault open, the quick we get out stasis pod buddy locked away, the sooner I will feel safer." She would insert the key into her side of the door. "OK...3...2....1.... turn." when they turn the keys both lights turn green and the door hisses and clunks as the locks disengage one pair at a time. and after a short the time the door would open and the deck crew begins loading the vault with the dangerous cargo.

the Intercom plays a tone and the computer plays a message. "All hands, a jump has been entered and the drive is activating, prepare for Frame-shift Wake, t minus 15 minutes"

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PostPosted: Thu Jan 05, 2023 4:33 pm 
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The Vault closes to with a clunk as the locking mechanisms Daryn knew there would be no way the Cyber-warrior would escape. God forbid it became active again. His eyes briefly darted the scratched off name on the box following Sarah as he recalled that it had previously said Sarah Bilinger when he had loaded it on the ship. "Sarah Steiner have you heard the tales of the cyber-warriors of old? How in the ancient past they had been impervious to our strongest relic weapons? I wish to urge you to use the utter most in cautiousness in activating this specimen of relic technology. Aside from that I have something for you that you might like." Daryn smiled and pulled a rifle from a locker with a horrible mismatch of weapons from the nineteen tens onward. He hands it to her saying,"according to our manuals this is a soviet era AKM often grouped into a large category of weapons called the AK-47 originally designed in the Soviet Empire. This is a later model which you can tell by its stamped receiver and side rail for mounting optics. According to the markings this one was manufactured in what appears to be the Tula arms plant. Let me know if you want to try some of the optics we have, I'll hook you up." Daryn's eyes gleam at Sarah before he walks away over to one of the security panels and begins discretely downloading records on Sarah Bilingers before they had ability to transfer data from Earth. He would have assumed that the crate had been reused until she had actually scratched out a name on it. The UMF was full of clerical and logistical problems that could explain why the name had been wrong but not her suspicious behavior.

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PostPosted: Fri Jan 06, 2023 3:13 pm 

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Sarah takes the AKM and inspects it, checking the mag and racking the bolt a couple times to confirm the weapon was clear. “No, I never paid attention in history class. All I know is that they damn near killed everyone on both sides of the war. Thank you for the AK, This is my favorite style of rifle. If you need me I will be on the bridge finishing jump prep.
Sarah leaves the security headquarters and makes her way to the elevator. She would hit the number 2 and the elevator takes her way up to a short hallway where the senior staff's personal quarters are. She makes her way to the end of the hall where her room is stashing her new AK until she has the time to modify it. She then makes her way back up to the elevator and hits deck 1 for the bridge. She steps out of the elevator and passes through the security checkpoint and enters the bridge. “Status report!” She barks as she kicks the assistant manager out of the command chair. “Navigation reads we are at a safe jump position.” the navigation officer would say. “Reactors are at optimal output and the drive is at full power, and the board is reporting green throughout the ship. Initiating Drive spin up. T minus 2 minutes mark.” the engineer reports.

Download complete.” The computer reports to Dyarn as it displays all files in regards to Sarah Billinger.
While the security chief reads through the files. He learns of a baby girl that was born to one of the poorest families in UMF working in one of the fuel reprocessing plants on mars. How this girl watched as she lost family member after family member due to radiation or toxin caused illnesses or on the job injuries that was then made worse due to improper healing time before being forced to return to work. Then the last of the tragedies was when she was just 12 years old when she found her dad had killed himself by consuming a whole quart of a chemical used in the process to recycle the waste fuel. After that she disappeared when she found that her entire family's debt fell on her shoulders and that she was due to start working in less than a week, instead of the normal working age of 13. That was 23 years ago, and the authorities looked for her for a whole year before finding a burnt shoe and some DNA on a launch pad on a cargo port on earth. They closed her case saying she was killed while attempting to flee and the Bilinger family debt was put in the lottery pool and was then was assigned to a family member that Dyarn knew well with via lottery draw. The file would end there.

Dyarn would hear a whine from the ship quite at first but getting louder and louder and the crew around would be running to nearby seats. “Frame-Shift Drive Charge complete, Drive spinning up. FrameShift Wake in t minus 10..9..8..7..6..5..4..3..2..1..” Everyone would hear a strange noise as the Frame-shift portal opens at the front of the ship and as the ship passes through it to enter the FTL layer of subspace it gets struck a couple times by lightning from the unstable rift in subspace. Once the ship is fully in the portal it collapses almost immediately leaving a small amount of Hawking radiation and a small anomaly showing temporary damage to subspace.
Meanwhile inside the ship there would be a good amount of turbulence, some of the crew that couldn’t find seats are knocked down or knocked against walls or bulkhead but as the ship gets away from the portal location the turbulence would stop and everything returns to normal.

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PostPosted: Sun Jan 08, 2023 5:38 pm 
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Daryn skimmed through the article having found out where his debt from the lottery had come. Now knowing why he had suffered for years under the debt he shrugged. Sarah had been a child without hope in the wicked and treacherous place that was the UMF. He connected the dots of the rest of the story from Sarah Steiner's side of things guessing that she had been found and adopted allowing her to rise to her current position. At best his hypothesis was circumstantial and their was no way to prove the link between the two Sarah's. He checked the file for any bio-metric information finding only a single image of Sarah's fingerprints. The data stream cut off as the ship entered into the frame shift portal and Daryn almost fell to the ground before grabbing a hand hold on the computer console he was standing besides. He created a printing of the file and the image of the fingerprints. Sticking them in a file folder he quickly deleted his data stream history and closed out the computer terminal.

The turbulence continued for a few minutes after Daryn hid the unmarked file under his bed in his roomette. Daryn walked through the door that connected his office to his roomette. He took off his heavy trench coat revealing corporate police dress shirt denoting his rank aboard the ship. With his coat hung on it's rack he sat down at his desk to find an inefficiently large stack of paperwork already waiting for him. He audibly sighed and began going through each page sorting them by importance. About a tenth of the way through his paperwork he realized that most of the various forms were things that the supervisors belonging to his department could handle within their range of authority. Instead of doing their work for them he simply wrote instructions on the negative space on the paper and sent it back to them for fulfillment. He hadn't realized how long he had been working on the giant stack of work when the buzzer rang announcing supper time for the officers. He hesitantly stood up seeing that he had only gotten through half of his work. While he craved finishing his work he knew that he couldn't skip the first dinner where the captain would address the department heads on the ship.

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PostPosted: Tue Jan 10, 2023 4:28 pm 

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Sarah Gets up from the command chair. “Assistant manager you have the bridge. Keep me informed on the status of the new engine core and our progress.” Sarah would leave the bridge as the assistant manager takes the command chair.
Sarah gets on the elevator and goes to deck 6. After the elevator stops on the correct floor she steps off of it and makes her way to the special eating quarters for the captain and other officers are able to eat their meal without being disturbed by the general crew. As she enters the Dining area she sees one of the stewards setting up the table for the senior staff. He stands at attention and salutes, not expecting the captain so soon. “At ease, I know that I am early. What is on the menu for today?” She says in a calming voice. “The chef has prepared 3 options for entree, one is a Chicken Marsala, the second one is a Steak with a Red wine Jus sauce, and the last one is a Salmon with a Lemon herb butter sauce. Every dish is served with a helping of mashed potatoes, green beans, and a sweet roll.” “Is that for just us or is the general crew’s menu the same?” she asked. “That menu is just for the senior staff, the food choice for the general crew is 2 options, being a Cheeseburger and fries, or a Chicken sandwich with fries.” the steward replies “Ok, Let me think on that, I will order when everyone is here.” Sarah responds as she goes to the drink maker in the wall, and dispenses herself a cup of sweet tea. She finds her seat at the table as she waits for the rest of the senior staff to arrive.

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PostPosted: Thu Jan 12, 2023 6:37 pm 
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Turning the lights out on his office as he walked out the door in his full uniform Daryn made his way to the elevator to go to the officer's mess. Hitting the up button he waited watching members of the crew go about their business around him. He analyzed their actions down to smallest detail while he waited searching for any sign of noncompliance. The elevator came and he entered an empty elevator having been just before most of the crew's alert for their meal went out. Daryn patiently waited in silence as the elevator ran its course standing like a statue away form prying eyes.

Daryn walked out of the elevator as soon as the doors opened. He walks down the hall punching in his code for the officer's dining room and entering it without a word. He sees the captain and finds his seat at the opposite end of the table. Before sitting down he undoes his pistol belt on the outside of his uniform and hangs it on his chair and doing the same with his duty cap. He takes his seat and reads the menu at his place and calls over one of the stewards and whispers his order in his ear to be delivered when the rest of the officers to receive their food. He speaks up as the server is leaving, "I want that steak rare!" A steward brings him a cup of coffee accompanied by an ornate carafe for his end of the table. He relaxes as he waits for dinner to begin as officers begin to file into the dining room.

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PostPosted: Wed Jan 18, 2023 2:20 pm 

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Sarah motions the steward to come over to her. “Let me have the salmon dish, no green beans.” before he leaves to take the 2 orders to the kitchen. “ So, how are you adjusting to ship life mr. Maddox?” Sarah askes after they are alone in the room. Sarah would look for any unusual body language on Daryn as he responds.

As Daryn is answering without warning the ship suddenly starts shaking violently like something just hit the port side of the ship. And the lights in the ship would flicker, with some of them blowing out. A short while later the ship would violently exit Frameshift as he computer initiates an emergency stop of all engines. Knock every person not seated onto the floor. Before everything stops and becomes quiet minus the Red alert alarms sounding. “BRIDGE REPORT!!” Sarah yells into her communicator. Time passes with no response from the bridge of the ship, “BRIDGE!!?! ENGINEERING!!!??!?””F***, internal communications must be affected. You alright Daryn?"

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PostPosted: Sat Jan 21, 2023 2:07 pm 
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"It's been easier than I had expected. Anything beats the apart-" Daryn says relaxing at the table until the ship shakes him out of his chair. He gets up as the lights flicker in and out. Grabbing his pistol he slings it on and puts his hat on. Red alert is sounded over the intercom Daryn sprints for the door as Sarah shouts, "BRIDGE REPORT!!" He opens the door and begins running down the hall towards the security station nearby. As the distance increases he can hear Sarah getting quieter, “BRIDGE!!?! ENGINEERING!!!??!?””F***, internal communications must be affected. You alright- The door closed cutting off what she had said. Daryn slid to a stop at the security checkpoint where some of his subordinates looked up at him in astonishment. They let him into the small checkpoint built into the wall and stood up to allow him to access their computer terminal. Daryn began to read the data on the screen in an attempt to diagnose the problem hitting the ship.

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PostPosted: Fri Jan 27, 2023 5:10 pm 

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As Daryn is accessing the engineering readout and diagnostic readouts, He finds multiple energy conduits damaged from some kind of overload, Navigation shields are down making FTL travel impossible, And both primary reactors offline. The Frameshift Drive and all sub light Fusion drives are cold and would need to be re-keyed, and cold startup to be performed. Primary Computer Core reads Jump sequence terminated due to unknown ship wide malfunctions. The navigational systems are re-calibrating after the emergency exit of the jump. Internal and all external communications are offline as well. The good news is Maneuvering thrusters are fully operational, and it looks like Navigation is coming back online. Back-up power running, providing power to required systems.

Sarah makes her way out of the officer mess and makes her way to the elevator and realizes that it is one of the things that back up power does not provide power. “You gotta be kidding me!” Sarah muddles under her breath. Sarah goes next to the elevator and turns the lock wheel on the door to manually open the door to reveal a maintenance shaft with a ladder and would begin the climb up to the floor where the bridge is located. After Climbing 5 decks to get to the floor where the bridge is located, Sarah gets off the ladder and stretches her back and would open the maintenance door on the floor and then would turn to open the door on the bridge. Sarah enters the bridge to see a bunch of chaos as she hears 5 different alarms from all the different stations on board. “GIVE ME A DAMAGE REPORT!!” She yells in a demanding voice. “General Manager on the Bridge!” the first officer would shout causing some of the chaos to temporarily stop. The engineering officer is the first to speak in the quiet of the ended chaos. “Ma’am, the complete engine core has spun to zero as well as both primary reactors have stalled, the whole system will need to be re-keyed and started up from cold before any damage to the core can be assessed.” “Ma’am, Navigation is coming back online after the re-calibration. System scans are incomplete but it does look like there is a Class M planet in range, we can reach it by maneuvering thrusters and obtain a high orbit.” The navigation officer says with a good bit of confidence. “Do it, we need to stabilize the situation before we do anything too drastic. I am going to engineering to see the core myself since I can't call. You have the bridge assistant Manager.” Sarah leaves and would go back down the maintenance ladder to one of the decks that overlap with engineering.

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PostPosted: Sun Jan 29, 2023 1:41 pm 
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Daryn searches thoroughly to find any signs of sabotage. Finding nothing he grabs a couple of his subordinates to join him as a damage control team. He unlocks the locker in the security station and pulls out some emergency equipment including an emergency power pack for subsystems that don't receive backup power. The damage control groups dons their protective gear as they leave the security post. Daryn clips the chinstrap of his helmet and leads his damage control group to the elevator. He plugs in the power pack and uses his key to override the elevator. The door opens and and some trapped and frightened crew members fall on the ground and thank Daryn for rescuing them. The crew members are immediately added to the team and are handed some gear. The group enters the elevator and Daryn uses his key to move the very crowded elevator up to the 5th deck. When they open the doors and flood out into the hallway they meet Sarah on her way to engineering and Daryn proclaims, "General Manager! Damage control team reporting!"

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PostPosted: Wed Feb 01, 2023 12:00 pm 

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YES good, We are heading down the engineering to re-key the engine core so we can assess any damage to it. Daryn, I need external sensors online. We have maneuvering thrusters and we are heading towards a class M planet, I need to know if there are any dangers about that planet.” Sarah says as they continue walking towards engineering. When they arrive at engineering Sarah waves her bracelet over the sensor. And the light turns green “Security Clearance accepted, Access Granted.” the computer would say. And the door hisses and opens only about half way before stopping. The gap it made is big enough for everyone to enter in a single file line. As they enter they are greeted with the engineers in chaos as they are yelling at each other on multiple terminals attempting to correct all the issues while another team is attempting to get the reactors in order to prepare them to be restarted. After a short wait the reactor is ready and Sarah and the engineer input the fuel pumping rated and injection rates and then the Engineer would push the power rod up allowing backup power to be routed to the reactor to start the injection process and after a short wait they see the reactor light up and the conduits begin to hum with energy. “Primary Reactor A1 online, Fusion Drive systems online, Main power grind online. Weapons powering, main system dis-armed. Back-up power disengaged. WARNING: Power Coupler J5 Damaged, WARNING: Power coupler k8 damaged from overload detected. Unable to Start Reactor A2, Frameshift Drive Offline.” The computer Says as the Updated Damage report is displayed on a nearby Panel. “Damn it, Both of those Couplers are Inside the engine core. They are not easy to get too, not to mention the radiation inside the Core would bake anyone. I don’t even think our suits are rated high enough to sustain the protection inside the core. Not to mention, we don’t have the materials to make a new K8 Coupler.

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PostPosted: Thu Feb 02, 2023 12:15 am 
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The damage control team begins triaging the situation and adding much needed manpower to the engineering team. "Men someone has to make the sacrifice for the ship. We face certain death if we can't control the damage to the reactor. I am old, if I survive the reactor the onset of cancer won't occur until after I die." Daryn proclaims to the room while motioning over to where the radiation suits are. He begins walking toward the locker where they hang. As he prepared himself to attempt to rectify the situation he wondered if he had another host on this ship or if he'd have to start from scratch again back on Earth.

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PostPosted: Sat Feb 04, 2023 11:04 am 

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Hey, I know security doesn’t need a lot of smarts. But before you commit suicide I need remind you the K8 Coupler is not here, we have to build a new one. Not to mention, We don’t have the needed material to make one. The amount of power surging through that coupler, it has to re-enforced with tri-tanium.” The engineer is Quick to make his comments to the security chief. “With all due respect this is not the time for my crew to start bickering like children. When the coupler is ready, or a sufficient coupler is made to bypass it, I will install it in the reactor.” Sarah says annoyed at the engineer. “We are now in geo-syncronis orbit of the Planet below Captain.” Helm would report as internal communications come online.
We have the onboard smelting and processing capability to make the needed tri-tanium, if that planet is resource rich. And is not populated. Well, we could say in the report it's not populated.” The engineer says as an option.

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