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Who wrote it better?
Entry #1 59%  59%  [ 32 ]
Entry #2 41%  41%  [ 22 ]
Total votes : 54
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 Post subject: Contest Voting!
PostPosted: Wed Dec 07, 2016 9:18 pm 

It's my party, and I'll cry if I want to

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You know the drill! Vote for the entry you think wrote it best! For a refresher, click here for the requirements! I apologize for the delay in posting; between a lack of proper laptop and work, I thought this had posted and it clearly hadn't.

You have until the 24th, at 11:59 PM EST, to cast your vote for one of our three entries, and you only get one vote so make it count.

Entry #1 | +
Entry #1

Have I lost my mind? I think so. After all, it’s the only possible explanation for this. The only logical one that is.

They never expected it, heck neither did I. But now we must face the consequences, right? No, we can’t. We mustn't.

That night is behind us, yes, a piece of the past to lock away. No one will find out, no one will know.

Until they find the body.

The body! You idiot! They’ll find it, find us! We have to go back, we have to. There’s no other choice.

I can’t go back, we can’t go back.

Go back, you must!

I refuse!

But you must!

I didn’t want to, I still don’t want to. Won’t someone awake me from this nightmare? How did we get here?

Find it! Hide it! Take it away! The pain is gone, the life is gone. No one must know, no one will know.

They’re cold, so cold. Oh, why did it come to this.

It doesn’t matter, go! They’re coming, quickly.

Something doesn’t feel right. Too cold, too blurred. Won’t someone make it stop? I don’t feel safe, have I ever been safe? Breath too fast, skin too cold, voice too loud.

Go. Run!

Something seems wrong. Of course it does, look what we’ve done!

What we’ve done? What you’ve done. I’ve created the monster, now you must face it. Quickly now, time is ticking. Tick. Tick. Tick.

Hands can’t block it, darkness does nothing. But what was that? Something else? Someone else? There in the darkness, coming for me, for us! No, it can’t be! They’re gone, long gone. I saw it, felt it, heard it. The final sounds. The water did it, took the life not me. It wasn’t me, it couldn’t have been.

But there they are. Before me. Mocking me. And the damned clock, where is it? Ticking away, counting down. Counting what?

The end, time’s running out.

No one must know, I can’t even know. Know what? Exactly. I don’t know.

Then why does it taunt me so? Like a blade in the dark, there but unseen. Blade? No, it wasn’t, was it? Did I hide it?

Did you? Hide the bone and hide the blade.

Bone? No. I have to find it. Find it first! Find it fast! Crash through the trees, feel blood, feel cold. Hear ticking in the woods. But why? How?

There it is again! But how? This can’t be happening! I know it’s not real, I know they’re not real. But how than do I see them? Walking, stalking. I did this, I created this. But it’s wrong, oh so wrong. Can I take it back?

No. It’s done, all you can do now is keep it hidden. Keep it a secret. For us, alone.

Yes, us. No, we’ve forgotten. Nothing happened. No one can know if we don’t know. No one. Ever.

Except them.

Who? No, they’re gone, never to know. How could they know? But there they are. Watching us, like they know. They know! Of course they would know! They were there, they were part of it. They can’t tell though, no one can see them. Can they? Am I the only one? I am the only one right?

Are you? Are you sure?

I don’t know, am I? Could I be? Could this just be my mind? A trick? Yes, a trick! But by who? Surely we aren’t tricking ourselves! Why would we do such a thing? We wouldn’t that’s why! Then why do I see them, standing there, closer than before? Did they move, or did I?

I need to wake up. I need to find the body.

But’s it’s right there, right in front of you.

Right in front of me, how? When? And the knife, right there too? Still warm in this cold wasteland. The only source of warmth. And the ticking, the constant ticking! It’s driving...driving me where?

You can’t stay here, they’ll find you.

Find me? Who? Them, it’s them. Always there, always watching. There eyes never blinking. Accusing! Blaming! For what? For that night? What night? I don’t know. Was it hours ago? Days? Weeks? No one knows and that’s how it will stay.

But time, time doesn’t stop and neither will they. Tick. Tick. Tick.

They won’t stop, so I can’t stop. Can’t stop. Won’t stop until it’s done. Until what’s done? I don’t know. Oh how they haunt. Staying just within reach, yet far away. Far away in another realm but still right before me. How long I must wait, wait for it to leave. Waiting. That’s all that’s left. Wait and hope it goes away. Fades, like a memory.

Like time. Time...and the ticking, the ticking that will not let me go! Where does it come from? Them? Surely not. Then where?

Go on then, find it. Find it like everything else.

We will! We will find it. Unless they get it first. What then? They can’t know! We can’t let them. We will find it. We will end it, no more searching, no more finding. Nothing. But they still watch, judging us. Oh why won’t they leave! We have done nothing wrong! We don’t know what they want! Everything is forgotten, gone. Like the seconds on a the clock, counting down. To what? To when?

It won’t stop will it? Never, never. Like them. They won’t stop. Not until we are together. But I don’t want to go. We don’t want to go. We can’t.

And you won’t.

We won’t. No we won’t. We don’t know. We don’t know anything. We didn’t do anything. Stop the clock, stop the waiting. We deny it all! They know nothing. They aren’t even here.

Tick. Tick. Tick.

No one knows. And if no one knows, no one can talk. And if no one can talk, no one can listen. They can’t talk, so no one will hear. We know nothing, so we can’t talk. It’s safe, we’re safe.

But are you? Tick. Tick. Tick. Only time will tell. Time will tell.

Entry #2 | +
Entry #2

A woman.
A woman across from me.
Through the glass I do see.
With locks long and golden.
Golden like wheat fields.
My eyes are beholding.
Hanging, dangling to her sides.

Long time now she has hinted.
She, to me, was hinting
That she, So soft and sweet,
That she is smitten.
To me. Me. Dreary, weary me.

She holds up a sign with her number.
Number. Her number. To her room.
Room. Room of doom.
Unknowing of impending doom.
She hopes for love and overindulgence.
But she’ll get a great repugnance.

Yes. Yes it’s true.
‘Tis I who will see her last.
Woe is me, the iconoclast.
I shall ready myself, ready on the fly.
Comb my hair. Brush my teeth
By normal rule, I do not comply.

We, the unorthodox,
Do so think outside the box.
Though we do not travel in flocks.

Creeping, closer, oh so closer,
I have chosen to dispose her.

Knock, knock
Once inside,
The door I do lock.
She is smiling. She’s naïve
Her trust
I do deceive.

Sit, sit.
She pats the couch.
Inner tiger,
Dost thou crouch?

Leaning in
closer, closer
Murder she wrote
I’m the composer.

Self inflicted
I’ll make it seem
Her demise, I predicted.

Slicing, slicing
Can I stop?
Dicing, Dicing
I think not.

Red, Red
(Oh God)
It’s everywhere.
My plan was Flawed.

It’s warmth
Across my body
I brought fourth.
Across the walls,
It has spread.
Starring back, Her eyeballs.

Lifeless, Lifeless
As they are,
Still they speak of a crisis.

Oh, this silence.
Rushing me, Crushing me
I can hear them, hear the sirens.

Sirens that her screams,
Her screams did summon.
Blowing my composer to smithereens.

Blood, Blood
It’s everywhere.
Covering the floor in a flood.

Away from here I must go,
Thou shalt reap
What thou sow.

Though my skin may be stained,
The life, From her,
I hath drained.

The walls I left painted
Painted, with her blood
They’ll be devastated.

Footprints, I left my footprints
In her blood
I hear them scream from the pulpits.

Damnation they do shout!
Though a Soul
I’m without

Coming, coming
They are coming
With her blood
I am running.

Caught me, caught me
They have caught me

But do not fret,
My confession
They won’t get!

Asking, asking
My cooperation
They are lacking.

Testing, Testing
Testing the blood
Soon, I too
Shall be judged.

From my sock
This part here
Is such a crock

A blade, a blade
Into my neck
It shall invade

Slicing, slicing
Oh the shock
Though it ‘tis truly the icing

On the cake.
My life I now
Do Take.

Slumping, Slumping
To the floor
This story, Man it’s something.

But it’s over
Don’t you see?
Only in October
I will be
This damn Grosser.
Than Normally.

Thank you, Thank you
Though an ending
You are due.

So here it is

You thee I bid
A grotesque and belated
An extension I forbid.
From this point forward,
It shall extend,
No further than,
The End.


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