Dear Beloved Father.
I write to you from Annúminas to inform you that the old library building has been successfully renovated. Even now, scribes in Rivendell have been copying or preparing for movement of the vast knowledge Soon we will begin the movement of the records to Annúminas.
I know it has been years since I had talked to you about this, but my reading of old Númenórean succession law has me again ask for it to be considered in this new day of the Reunited Númenórean Kingdom in Exile. Is it not a sure step backward from the advances that were made by Númenor?
I send along with this letter, a copy of the official parchments on the Laws of Succession of Númenor:In the early days of Númenor, the custom (as there was no official law regarding succession) was that, once the King became too old to rule, he would surrender the Sceptre to his eldest son. If he had no son, the Kingship would pass instead to the nearest male relative of male descent of Elros Tar-Minyatur. Under this system it was impossible for a woman to become ruler of Númenor. In S.A. 892, Tar-Aldarion changed the system of succession to full agnatic primogeniture, in which the heir to the Kingship of Númenor would be the eldest child of the King or Queen regardless of gender.
A ask you again father that you reconsider my petition for recognition of the Laws of Númenórean succession and have your eldest child be heir. I love Eldarion very much, but I do not see why he should be made heir simply by being male.
Much Love to you and mom,
Your Daughter, Vardarianna