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 Post subject: Hello? Is this mic on?
PostPosted: Wed Jul 24, 2024 4:38 pm 

Joined: Wed Jul 24, 2024 2:28 pm
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๑۩ﺴ “Mighty Is The Pen” ﺴ۩๑

❇Who is ChaosDarkmoon13?❇
Hello my dears, I have gone by many names in my life over my 18 years of forum roleplay, but you can call me Chaos. I am 30 years old and a stay at home mom of three wonderful kids. I run my own art business from home, and in my free time I write and roleplay. I first got my start 18 years ago on gaiaonline. Over the years I have rped on many platforms, imvu, amino, discord ect. Roleplay has become a big inspiration for my imagination which not only continuously improves my writing but influences the art I produce in my job.


Third person novela (8+ sentences not including dialog)
Old T1 combat fighter
Original stories
Character development
Detailed and balanced OC’s (Original Characters)
Immersive Lore
No one liners
If you are a minor irl i will not do a romantic setting with you period
No fandoms

❇My OC’s❇
These are not all of them but some of them, these i have been playing and developing for years

Estel Brackwell

Damian Regentium


❇Writing example❇
The beast snarled , its call echoing down the corridor with a force that vibrated his ribs in his chest. It was enough to take his breath away as the sound ceased. He could still hear the beast as it thundered through the hall around the corner from him. He couldn’t let it get past him. his eyes cast about for anything he could do to take the beast down. That was when he looked straight up. A chandelier hung there, over the center of the hallway, where the beast would be forced by its size to be. With a quick step up onto a low table, he gripped a torch in its bracket and hauled himself up into the air, jumping from the wall to the wrought iron scaffolding of the chandelier.
The beast was closer now, he could hear as its tail lashed against the tapestries that adorned the walls, scattering silver platers that once bore food across the floor of the hall behind it as it moved toward the sharp turn. It snorted through its nostrils with a wet sound, snot and spit dripping from its nose and its toothy mouth as it lumbered through the stone corridor, its bull-like head swinging from one side to the next as it looked for its next victim. The beast turned with the hallway, grunting as it moved, one heavy step after another, its tail lashing in irritation. As the hulking, quadrupedal, mass of gray flesh moved through the hall at a steady pace, it walked dimly under the chandelier that it didn’t know was even there.
Kayne drew his right hand sword as he saw the beast below him. His nose wrinkled as it crawled under him, its stink of manure and filth rising up from its body to him like the smell of rotted flesh in some forgotten dungeon. As it moved toward him, and finally beneath him, he raised his sword and stood, balancing on the frame of the chandelier before he drew a deep breath, and steadied himself before he reached out with his sword, and severed the rope that held him aloft. The heavy iron frame whistled as it fell toward his target and he rode low, his boots still planted firmly on the rails of iron as he fell into battle.
The iron struck the beast with a thunderous crash and it roared, falling over onto its side as both Kayne and the chandelier struck it, allowing the man to kick away and skid to a stop several feet from the beast, murder in his eyes as she drew his left hand sword as well. The beast roared, this time in fury as it attempted to stumble to its feet, but remained pinned against the wall and the floor by the weight of the iron chandelier. The tail of the beast lashed out, wiping at him as it shoved its way to its feet, struggling against the injuries, but Kay moved in, dodging the beast tail with a neat sidestep as he brought his right sword up, and then down again, slashing at the beasts face.
The blow fell across the eye of the beast, blinding the orb in a hellish flash of pain that caused its legs to scramble as it fought to get away from the ball of hurt on its face, forcing it back to the ground again. Kayne’s sword flicked up once more, just as the monster found purchase with its hind legs, kicking forward and bucking its head to toss the chandelier off, and his horns slashing across the raven's chest, sending him flying back across the hall, and tearing the sword from his hands.
The beast looked at the man with hatred from its remaining eye as it rose to its feet, free of his trap once more as it turned to him. He laid against the wall, willing his lungs to work once more as he weakly pulled his sword between him and the beast. The beast cared little for the flashing stick of steel as it pawed the ground before it charged, seeking to crush the man between its cranium and the wall with a snarl. The snarl was cut short as his sword, stationary until the last second when it angled up, slicing into the throat of the beast before it could crush him flat! His sword entered the throat of the hulking gray beast just behind its jaw, the sharp blade cutting across the throat like a skilled butcher would quarter the ham of a deer, bisecting the trachea, larinex, carotid, and jugular in a single full length swipe as the beasts own force powered the slice as Kay laid still.
In the din after the clamor, the beast's blood dripping over Kayne’s belly and legs from the hole in its neck was the only sound. He breathed in deep and immediately regretted it. The sickly sweet odor of the beasts blood, combined with the earlier mentioned scent of rotting flesh, which was nothing compared to this stink now that he was up close with it, overwhelmed him. he hunched to his side, and wrenched, sending his last meal across the bloodstain from the creature. he rose shakily to his feet, slipping over the blood and vomit until he could stand he sheathed his sword, and fetched his remaining sword as his strength returned ever so slowly he picked up his second sword and sheathed it, and began to make his way toward the Lord, and debated stopping for a bath. Or five...

Last edited by Asteria on Thu Jul 25, 2024 2:38 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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