Creative Freedom RPG

Intro/Stuff abt me
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Author:  the1weepinq_guitar [ Wed Aug 02, 2023 3:52 pm ]
Post subject:  Intro/Stuff abt me

Hi! I'm not really sure how this works yet but I'm just going along, I guess. My name's Sparkie. I go by he/him pronouns. I'm an American artist and writer. I have an obsession with indie bands such as They Might Be Giants and The Dead Milkmen. I also really like Talking Heads. I love birds and marine animals.

other stuff to note:
- I am a minor
- I don't want any smutty stuff in my RPs

- trans/homophobic ppl
- trolls
- MAPs
- ppl under the age of 11 (to prevent overpowered characters and bc I cuss a lot)

Have a nice day! I will be inviting several people to my RPs. If you are interested, give me a message!

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